Gumusut Kakap semi-submersible Floating Production System (GK sFPS) is one of Shell operated deepwater asset in the state of Sabah, Malaysia. There are 3 production centers with water injection and gas injection facility. For gas injection facility, there are two units of gas turbine driving compressor barrels namely, HPC1 & HPC2. The gas injection facility serves as gas reinjection for reservoir management.

For gas turbine, preventative maintenance is required for water-washing the gas turbine internal components which is a gas generator prior to combustion. For GK sFPS, the gas turbine is an aeroderivative type gas turbine. Preventative maintenance is required due to dirt accumulated at the blades area (Naeem, Singh and Probert 2001). Water-washing period typically takes about 24 hours from shut down initiation, gas turbine cool-down period, water-washing activity, and starting up the unit again. Specifically shutting down HPC1 & HPC2, this involves system blowdown of the driven compressor barrels which incur flaring and impact to Green House Gas.

The intent of water-washing a gas turbine is to recover performance losses associated from dirt accumulation (also known as fouling) over time. The dirt accumulation is condition based on air quality filtration (i.e. filter efficiency) in filtering out dust, salts and other particles that affects gas turbine performance (Golbabaei, et al. 2013).

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