This paper presents a digitization process that utilizes laser scanning techniques as the design basis for a process plant web-based 3D navigable model.
The solution is based on gathering a points cloud from the digitalized plant using the LiDAR surveying method, also commomly called 3D laser scanning, that measures the distance to target by illuminating the target with a pulsed laser light and measure the reflected light by a probe. The digital 3D model is assembled made from the laser return time and wavelength. Each scene is catalogued into a database and further presented into an interactive model of an industrial plant.
3D scanning techniques had been utilized in the Manufacturing and Construction businesses thoroughly and it has been proven very efficient. Constructability of like-for-like replacements and/or new installations, along with computer-based analysis of interreferences with millimetric dimensional verifications, are some of the most usual benefits. The WebScan-360 approach introduces a new portfolio of benefits where the conversion of the gathered scenes into construction drawings are faster, less prone to human error and a precise replica of the reality, especially when compared with the normal surveying method. Documents generation are quicker, more reliable and reduce exponentially the time for information gathering on existing documentation. Construction workpacks development and plant familiarization are much easily to be done, helpin in shutdown/campaign planning. Reduing the risks of misinterpretation and improves the communication across the involved teams with an easy and interactive reference.
The novelty of the WebScan-360 application lies in the interaction of a solid and precise engineering database to create efficients and quicker outputs for the entire industrial plants maintenance and modifications business.