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Keywords: produced water discharge
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference Brasil, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OTC-32795-MS
... of the recovery factor " geologist brazil government injection produced water discharge completion equipment pressure transient testing drillstem/well testing structural geology waterflooding directional drilling hydraulic fracturing subsea processing sand control completion installation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference Brasil, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OTC-32970-MS
.... The conclusion is that for units with some amount of CO 2 , it is possible to reduce the WSO only by changing the process arrangement. upstream oil & gas produced water discharge brazil government geologist water management co 2 offshore technology conference calculation subsea system...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference Brasil, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OTC-32974-MS
... application. produced water discharge water management united states government sheen discoloration subsea system clarifier igf-u offshore technology conference upstream oil & gas ocean reduction ocean generated accumulation elimination investigation application total suspended...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference Brasil, October 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: OTC-32809-MS
... due to reservoir changes and can be prompt identified with an on-site monitoring equipment. produced water discharge fluid compatibility concentration produced water chemical treatment separation and treating calcium concentration brazil government oilfield chemistry emulsion ionic...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference Brasil, October 29–31, 2019
Paper Number: OTC-29911-MS
... were 5.65 g/L. current density reverse electrodialysis wastewater contaminant petroleum refinery removal rate efficiency electrocoagulation process electrode produced water discharge refinery removal efficiency aluminum electrode wastewater water management concentration...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, October 29–31, 2013
Paper Number: OTC-24479-MS
... oil) where the driving force behind cyclonic separation is significantly lower than for light crudes. Furthermore, ongoing strengthening of environmental specifications on produced water discharge, has a challenging impact on the design, as the allowable Oil-in-Water (OiW) content before discharge...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, October 4–6, 2011
Paper Number: OTC-22371-MS
... injection tank membrane pilot recovery deposit membrane injectivity filtration permeability concentration field 2 composition field 1 filtration performance sequence produced water discharge upstream oil & gas backwash permeate ceramic membrane pilot unit otc 22371...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the OTC Brasil, October 4–6, 2011
Paper Number: OTC-22667-MS
... Water Re-Injection (SPWRI) applied to mature deepwater fields producing a large amount of water. It consists of separating most of the produced water on the seabed and reinjecting it into the reservoir through water injection wells. reservoir produced water discharge ceramic membrane...

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