A new subsea-to-shore oil field architecture is presented where produced water is separated, treated and re-injected locally. This solution reduces the overall power consumption and the global CO2e footprint of the development compared to an architecture where the whole production is sent to shore.

The paper will present the results of a study for the development of a 200 000 bpd oil field requiring 300 000 bpd water injection located 150 km from shore in 1500 m water depth and with a field life of 15 years.

Preliminary design work performed covers flow assurance, subsea process, subsea equipment, subsea layout as well as CO2e footprint comparison with a scenario where all the production is sent to shore.

The system incorporates a gravity-based liquid-liquid separator for bulk oil-water separation, produced water is then treated, mixed with desulfated seawater and re-injected. Oil, gas and residual produced water are sent to shore via a single wet insulated line with continuous injection of low-dosage hydrate inhibitors.

This scenario has two main advantages compared to a subsea-to-shore without subsea processing. The first is that the power required to boost production is significantly reduced. The second is that the volume of produced water to be treated onshore is also significantly reduced, which is advantageous, not only in terms of cost, but also in terms of reducing the shore operations’ footprint.

Particular focus will be made on the produced water treatment design which is a two-stage design using two different technologies for increased robustness in order to reach a specification of 30 ppm oil-in-water for injection water.

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