Reliable fibre optic (FO) connection systems are a key enabling technology to deliver near real-time in-well digital data through distributed acoustic sensing (DAS), distributed temperature sensing (DTS) and Seismic monitoring profiling along the well.

This Multi-channel Optical Feedthrough System (OFS) development addresses key technical challenges and provides a highly reliable solution to enable optical communication through the Vertical Monobore Tree (VMXT) and Tubing Hanger (TH) while providing full pressure containment within the system at 15,000psi and 350°F.

The system features four core innovative technology building blocks:

  • The high-speed trigger mechanism that centralises optical elements during connector mating,

  • The linear fibre mating and fine alignment system with integrated Wand assembly – no bending or hinging of fibre,

  • The glass-to-metal and Hastelloy tubing barriers to fibre – API 6A barriers to protect fibre through the system,

  • The closed fluid compensation system – no gel refill required.

The qualification of the connection system follows the SEAFOM TSD-01 standard and is on track to be completed by 2024. The connection system has demonstrated its ability and robustness in achieving wet-mate functionality while maintaining reliable optical communication at 15,000psi and 350°F and in heavy debris conditions.

This technical paper presents this specific OFS technology, its development process and the Verification and Validation results to achieve reliable optical communication in the high pressure high temperature (HPHT) environments.

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