Bonga field is located 120 km South-West of Warri, in the Southern Niger Delta of Nigeria, at water depth of 3300 ft. The field was discovered in 1993 and achieved first oil in November 2005 as the first deepwater development in the Gulf of Guinea. It was developed with subsea wells, production manifolds and water injection terminals connected via subsea flowlines and risers to a Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) facility called the Bonga FPSO.

Bonga FPSO consists of oil and gas processing and export facilities, water injection facilities, oil storage facilities, and utility systems that support production operations and personnel onboard the vessel. Over a 17-year period, the FPSO has achieved cumulative oil production of 1.0 billion barrels, 815 Bscf of gas export and 1.5 billion barrels of water injected through a total 39 oil producer and 36 water injector wells.

This performance was delivered by disciplined implementation of a structured Asset Management framework with focus on work processes that deliver performance, a management system that define how the asset operates, and clear definition of the assets longer-term strategic intent, vision, value levers, and the choices required to deliver maximum business value.

Through the asset management framework, the FPSO has consistently delivered top quartile performance in safety and environment, production availability, asset integrity, equipment reliability, and turn around excellence. In 2022 the asset delivered a turnaround maintenance 8 days ahead of schedule with zero safety incident at a lower cost. In February 2023, Bonga achieved cumulative export of 1 billion barrels of oil and 815 Bscf of gas, and cumulative water injection of 1.5 billion barrels. The asset is on track to deliver a production availability greater 95% and a carbon emission reduction of 0.3million tCO2e through reliability improvements on gas compression system.

This paper presents the Asset Management excellence philosophy of Bonga FPSO

  1. Ensure Safe Production: A structured process that enables cost-effective operation within defined operating envelopes.

  2. Manage Threats and Opportunities: A process that enables identification, prioritization and mitigation of threats and realization of opportunities.

  3. Perform Maintenance Execution and Manage Equipment care: Two frameworks for maintaining and improving the integrity, availability, and reliability of the asset through optimized maintenance strategies.

  4. Perform Turnaround: A structured framework to effectively plan, schedule, control and execute turnarounds to improve operational excellence and asset integrity.

This paper is one of a series of Bonga themed papers proposed for OTC 2024.

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