Production chemicals are used to improve fluids production in gas and oil fields. These chemicals can contribute to less than 1% (0,1 kg/boe) of the global CO2 emission of a production site (scope 3). On the other hand, production chemicals can support the reduction of the global CO2 emission (Replacement of High CO2 emission chemicals by lower CO2 emission chemicals; Use more efficient chemicals to reduce chemicals consumption to reduce associated CO2 emission; Use production chemicals to improve energy efficiency or limit greenhouse gas emission…).
A methodology, based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), was developed with SIMAPRO®. This methodology is considering the global usage of the chemicals and its impact on the process (production increase, GHG reduction….).
Results point out that injection of a more efficient chemical can reduce the global carbon footprint. 2 chemistries were compared to scavenge H2S. The replacement of triazine based scavenger by a MBO base scavenger is leading to a decrease of the scavenger injection rate. Even if the costs ($/L) and the CO2 footprint (kgCO2/L) of MBO are higher, global impacts are positive (45% CO2 emission reduction).
Injection of a H2S scavenger to valorize the associated gas produced by an oil field (stop of flaring) shows that it is possible to reduce by more than 99% the global CO2 emissions.
Flowing improvement in an oil field pipeline with DRA injection can lead to the reduction of the carbon footprint intensity (reduction of CO2 emission per barrel of oil).
Other cases studies confirm that production chemicals (DRA, demulsifier…) management allow improving the global CO2 footprint.