Constellation, an oil development company operating drill ships and semisubmersible platforms in water depths of up to 12,000 feet, is innovating with dynamic real-time monitoring of operational safety barriers of rigs. This article aims to compare Human Reliability Assessment (HRA) methods for Offshore Drilling Operations. The study encompasses 18 methods: THERP, ASEP, HEART, SPAR-H, ATHEANA, CREAM, APJ, PC, SLIM-MAUD, HRMS, JHEDI, INTENT, CAHR, CESA, CODA, MERMOS, NARA and PETRO-HRA. The analysis considers applicability, effort, complexity, level of detail, data availability, expertise, and resources. The article provides industry professionals with insights for informed decision-making, enhancing safety and efficiency in Offshore Drilling

The evaluation of Human Reliability Assessment (HRA) methodologies for offshore drilling operations yielded insightful results, among the 18 assessed methodologies, emerged as the top-ranking methods in terms of applicability, effort, complexity, simplicity, level of detail, data availability, expertise, and resource requirements. These methodologies demonstrated high applicability to Offshore Drilling, providing comprehensive analysis capabilities. They exhibited a balanced approach, considering Human Factors along with other risk factors. However, it was observed that some methodologies required a higher level of expertise and effort, while others offered greater simplicity and ease of use. The conclusions drawn from this study emphasize the importance of selecting an HRA methodology that aligns with the specific needs and resources of Offshore Drilling operations. Organizations should consider the unique characteristics and challenges of their operations when choosing a methodology. Additionally, regular reviews and updates to the chosen methodology are crucial to ensure its continued effectiveness. This research contributes valuable insights for industry professionals, aiding them in making informed decisions to enhance safety and efficiency in Offshore Drilling operations. Further research is recommended to explore the practical implementation and long-term performance of the selected methodologies in real-world offshore drilling scenarios.

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