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Keywords: hammer efficiency
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 4–7, 2020
Paper Number: OTC-30842-MS
... of piles following driving. actual srd back analysed soil property hammer efficiency upstream oil & gas pile capacity hammer pile 4 srd subsea system mooring system strength driving resistance resistance self-weight penetration assessment soil property friction offshore...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 2–5, 2005
Paper Number: OTC-17256-MS
... to driving (SRD) and hammer efficiency. A parametric study, utilizing data of Magnolia TLP to assess the effect that SRD and hammer efficiency had upon driving fatigue damage was performed. The results provided a database and guidelines for the field engineer to control the pile driving fatigue damage...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, April 30–May 3, 1979
Paper Number: OTC-3440-MS
... Project. hammer efficiency offshore platform cohesive soil soil characteristic platform exploration calcareous clay subsea system penetration qatarngl offshoreproject ultimate pile capacity load cell actual offshore platform pile capacity cushion strength pile driveability test...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, May 4–7, 1975
Paper Number: OTC-2247-MS
... construction of Platform FA, strain gages were installed at the head of of a pile and recorded during driving, and the recordings were used to evaluate the driving efficiency of the hammers. Using the observed hammer efficiency, the pile driving record of blows per foot, and appropriate curves (determined...

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