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Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 38 (04): 590–602.
Paper Number: SPE-214342-PA
Published: 08 November 2023
... government upstream oil & gas flow metering reservoir surveillance spe production norway government europe government completion monitoring systems/intelligent wells recovery conference exhibition production monitoring constraint paper laboratory breakthrough icd autonomous inflow...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 37 (03): 431–445.
Paper Number: SPE-204367-PA
Published: 10 August 2022
... on squeeze lifetime begin to diminish, due in part to the polymer breakthrough, which results in higher water viscosity in the production near-wellbore region. Preventing the overflush to be as effective transporting the scale inhibitor. This study represents the first coupled reservoir simulation/squeeze...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 35 (01): 137–146.
Paper Number: SPE-189546-PA
Published: 17 February 2020
... and that of conventional matrix acidizing are most obvious at low acid‐injection rates. Experiments were performed with the intention of quantifying the difference in pore volume (PV) to breakthrough between acid jetting and matrix acidizing, as well as determining the effect of increased temperature, rock permeability...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 33 (02): 382–392.
Paper Number: SPE-180113-PA
Published: 14 May 2018
.... 2 , which shows a diagram of the acid-jetting experimental setup. This stage lasts no longer than 20 minutes or until acid breakthrough. This time constraint is to ensure experimental-equipment integrity. The last step is the post-treatment flush with water to wash the acid from the system before...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 33 (01): 145–153.
Paper Number: SPE-186104-PA
Published: 26 June 2017
... in. of the bed providing 99% of the oil removal. Full breakthrough is a function of inlet concentration, with 20–30 hours of operation expected for a 48-in.-deep bed. 22 11 2016 5 4 2017 31 3 2017 26 6 2017 14 2 2018 Copyright 2018, Society of Petroleum Engineers water...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 32 (03): 325–332.
Paper Number: SPE-178962-PA
Published: 12 October 2016
... injection, different injection rates create wormholes with different lengths. The injection rate that creates the deepest wormhole is called the optimal acid-injection rate. Optimal injection rate is determined in laboratory experiments by measuring the pore volumes to breakthrough (i.e., the volume of acid...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 29 (04): 323–328.
Paper Number: SPE-167477-PA
Published: 28 August 2014
... temperature can be used to detect whether water breakthrough occurs by means of matrix or fracture through use of the thermal retardation factor. When coupled with the production data and pressure-falloff (PFO) tests, the downhole-temperature data can be used to estimate the water-breakthrough time...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 29 (01): 21–28.
Paper Number: SPE-164112-PA
Published: 04 March 2014
... an ensemble of good history-matched models that will estimate uncertainty of a hydrocarbon-reservoir production. In this study, the same approach will be adopted, but including produced-water chemistry—in particular, seawater breakthrough. This approach provides a methodology to predict the uncertainty...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 29 (01): 29–41.
Paper Number: SPE-152844-PA
Published: 30 January 2014
... the performance of emulsified acid in stimulating carbonate formations. A coreflood study was conducted using Indiana limestone cores that were 1.5 in. in diameter and 6 in. in length. The effect of the presence of crude oil on the volume of acid to breakthrough was studied. Also, the size, number...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 28 (04): 402–413.
Paper Number: SPE-164517-PA
Published: 04 September 2013
... unit volume with porosity. We predict quantitatively the experimentally observed acidization curve for an HCl/limestone system and show the existence of a critical heterogeneity (that corresponds to the minimum amount of acid required to breakthrough). We also present scaling criteria to estimate...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 27 (01): 44–51.
Paper Number: SPE-133234-PA
Published: 27 January 2012
...Ali Daneshy; Boyun Guo; Vitaly Krasnov; Sergey Zimin Summary Inflow-control devices (ICDs) were developed in response to early water breakthrough from the heel of prolific horizontal wells. In their initial applications, the design of ICD installations was based on equalizing flux (flow rate per...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 27 (02): 211–222.
Paper Number: SPE-131011-PA
Published: 27 July 2011
... Chemistry scale inhibition remediation of hydrates oseberg 2 composition reactive-transport model SPE Production wax remediation Hydrate Remediation hydrate inhibition Upstream Oil & Gas breakthrough scale management dolomite seawater produced-water analysis The compositions...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 26 (03): 278–290.
Paper Number: SPE-132535-PA
Published: 22 June 2011
.... The ability of polymer-based in-situ-gelled acids to divert regular acids was studied using a parallel-coreflood setup. The sequence of the injection involved in-situ-gelled acid at 5 wt% hydrochloric acid (HCl) stage followed by regular acid at 15 wt% HCl until acid breakthrough. Experimental results show...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 26 (03): 253–261.
Paper Number: SPE-135156-PA
Published: 09 June 2011
... breakthrough. This paper explains the details of the procedure. Two examples are used to illustrate the application of the method; one is for a waterdrive reservoir, and the other is a water-injection case. The results show significant improvement in well performance in both examples. 19 10 2010 21 3...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 25 (03): 388–397.
Paper Number: SPE-124881-PA
Published: 21 May 2010
... 4 10 2009 11 8 2010 Copyright 2010, Society of Petroleum Engineers acidizing complex reservoir flow in porous media carbonate reservoir breakthrough relative permeability Upstream Oil & Gas gas reservoir Fluid Dynamics spent-acid front experiment interstitial...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 24 (01): 180–186.
Paper Number: SPE-109104-PA
Published: 26 February 2009
...-gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). The paper will describe these relatively novel molecular techniques briefly. The paper documents the microbial-population shifts related to water breakthrough in a nitrate-treated reservoir and shows that key microbial populations can be identified and, thereby...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 23 (02): 192–209.
Paper Number: SPE-98096-PA
Published: 19 May 2008
... in field life before water breakthrough and at low water cuts. Therefore, the scale risks and treatment challenges associated with seawater production will have to be met. However, with increasing produced water volumes, it will be possible to inject the produced water ( Fig. 4 ), commingling...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 19 (01): 41–48.
Paper Number: SPE-87631-PA
Published: 01 February 2004
...D. O. Johnson; R. Sugianto; P. H. Mock; C. H. Jones Summary Steam breakthrough in producing wells can be very problematic. Not only can production drop drastically, but catastrophic failure events can occur; holes can be cut in tubulars, screens, and casing. Many of these events can result in loss...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 16 (01): 22–29.
Paper Number: SPE-66566-PA
Published: 01 February 2001
... experiment acidizing concentration evaluation drilling fluid formulation optimum injection rate injection rate fluid loss control flow in porous media symposium straight acid wormhole propagation rate core length breakthrough matrix limestone optimum flow rate leak-off rate HCl...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 15 (04): 234–240.
Paper Number: SPE-66532-PA
Published: 01 November 2000
...). 14 The method enables prediction of critical (breakthrough) rates of oil production and water drainage. Then, a plot of water drainage vs. oil production is made. In this plot, a locus of the critical rates becomes an envelope, called the inflow performance window (IPW). 1 The area inside...

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