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Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 38 (03): 504–512.
Paper Number: SPE-214665-PA
Published: 09 August 2023
.... Shale gas production in China has met a surge in the number of drilling wells. Those new wells were characterized by a relatively low gas production rate (<1×10 6 m 3 /d) in comparison with shale gas wells in the US. As a result, flaring gas during well completion needs to be recycled or used...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 38 (01): 20–34.
Paper Number: SPE-209164-PA
Published: 08 February 2023
...Craig Cipolla; Jennifer Wolters; Michael McKimmy; Carlos Miranda; Stephanie Hari-Roy; Aicha Kechemir; Nupur Gupta Summary In 2019, the operator embarked on a very ambitious data acquisition project in the Bakken, with the goal of mapping far-field drainage and characterizing completion performance...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 36 (03): 669–684.
Paper Number: SPE-205377-PA
Published: 11 August 2021
... back water autonomously after water breakthrough. To fulfill a suitable design of a long horizontal well with the RCP completion, a detailed understanding of multiphase-flow behavior from the reservoir pore to the wellbore and production tubing is needed. Coupling a dynamic multiphase-flow simulator...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 35 (01): 018–025.
Paper Number: SPE-190923-PA
Published: 17 February 2020
..., closed completion with the cyclic injection of high‐pressure gas, which expands and rapidly displaces fluid at high velocity from deep in the well. Development of the system was a collaboration internally and in conjunction with the vendor to install what was historically a vertical‐well assembly through...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 35 (01): 137–146.
Paper Number: SPE-189546-PA
Published: 17 February 2020
...Dmitry Ridner; Taylor Frick; Ding Zhu; Alfred Daniel Hill; Renzo Angeles; Narendra Vishnumolakala; Chris Shuchart Summary Acid jetting occurs as a result of pumping acid through limited‐entry liner completions, causing high‐velocity streams to impinge against the wellbore wall. The dissolution...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 33 (01): 1–11.
Paper Number: SPE-184837-PA
Published: 16 May 2017
...R. D. Barree; J. L. Miskimins; K. J. Svatek Summary Horizontal-well developments, focused on transverse hydraulic-fracture stimulation, have evolved rapidly during the past decade. Many of these completions may have missed or bypassed significant reserves that were intended to be produced from...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 32 (01): 73–85.
Paper Number: SPE-179895-PA
Published: 20 October 2016
... the upper completion. Figs. 4 and 5 show the structural elements of the field for later reference and the location of wells referred to in this paper. The main reservoir is the Upper Jurassic intra-Draupne sandstone within the Viking group. The intra-Draupne sandstone is present throughout...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 31 (02): 157–162.
Paper Number: SPE-174095-PA
Published: 17 May 2016
... & Gas Welltec completion lateral tool string Directional Drilling orientation WLIT wireless sub field trial Saudi Arabia well-lateral-intervention tool electromechanical actuator lateral window Signal response Saudi Aramco SPE Production interface sensor package sensor Fig. 3...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 31 (01): 1–11.
Paper Number: SPE-168087-PA
Published: 23 February 2016
...S.. Hamid; O.. De Jesús; C.. Jacinto; R.. Izetti; H.. Pinto; E.. Droguett; C.. Edwards; J.. Cassidy; H.. Zhang; P.. Dagenais; M. A. Batocchio Summary Scale formation in downhole tubular‐flow passages can cause partial to complete plugging that will affect production or injection rates adversely...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 30 (04): 293–311.
Paper Number: SPE-168612-PA
Published: 24 November 2015
...-fracture rate, production decline, and ultimate recovery. Without a realistic prediction of the decline resulting from a given completion, it is impossible to assign value to one design over another and equally impossible to optimize the treatment for whichever goal is sought, either acceleration...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 30 (03): 179–194.
Paper Number: SPE-168636-PA
Published: 18 August 2015
...V. J. Pandey; R. C. Burton; M.. Nozaki Summary Frac-pack techniques were used in a recent subsea well-completion campaign. The sandstone layers that were targeted for completion are present generally in shallow gas reservoirs, with depths ranging from 2,000- to 4,500-ft (609.60- to 1371.60-m) true...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 29 (04): 309–322.
Paper Number: SPE-165108-PA
Published: 10 September 2014
... show the time dependency of rate and drawdown for Wells 2, 4, and 6, respectively. These wells have been selected for discussion on the basis of their completion and production history. Drillstem Testing drawdown concentration particle Upstream Oil & Gas modeling Bedrikovetsky drillstem...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 29 (02): 114–121.
Paper Number: SPE-159735-PA
Published: 04 April 2014
...Rachna Jain; Ted A. Long; Jasper Dickson; Scott V. Brown; Edmond Shtepani Summary This paper studies the effect of viscosity and fines-particle loading on the pressure drop across a 4-mm orifice in a specific geometry built to mimic a representative well completion. It also provides experimental...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 28 (04): 345–357.
Paper Number: SPE-150096-PA
Published: 29 September 2013
... of models used in the optimization captures all possible reservoir behaviors at the individual-well and -completion level. This is rarely the case. Moreover, reservoir models are rarely predictive at the spatial and temporal scales required to identify control actions. We show that simple, closed-loop...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 28 (03): 226–234.
Paper Number: SPE-158846-PA
Published: 17 June 2013
...Neil Stegent; Albert Wagner; Chuck Stringer; Rick Tompkins; Nick Smith Summary This paper presents a case study of the implementation of an integrated engineering approach to drill, complete, evaluate, and optimize multiple sets of parallel horizontal wells in the oil segment of the Eagle Ford...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 28 (02): 181–190.
Paper Number: SPE-154903-PA
Published: 17 April 2013
... of Petroleum Engineers Upstream Oil & Gas shale gas microseismic cloud injection permeability shear failure SPE Production complex reservoir Palmer completion porosity geomechanics model fracture stage hydraulic fracturing modeling stimulation fracture network proppant microseismic...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 28 (01): 85–94.
Paper Number: SPE-159163-PA
Published: 21 January 2013
... challenges prevented acquisition of late-time response from the pressure buildup (PBU). Therefore, important dynamic information, particularly in regard to flow barriers, was not obtained. A change in completion philosophy was proposed after detailed analysis of the test results. Well X-1 was retested...

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