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Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 37 (03): 503–519.
Paper Number: SPE-209801-PA
Published: 10 August 2022
... intervention fluid velocity annular pressure drilling horizontal section fluid dynamics cleanout metal piece sand control completion installation and operations drilling operation drillstem/well testing drawdown production tubing intervención de pozos petroleros downhole intervention drillstem...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 33 (03): 623–636.
Paper Number: SPE-178973-PA
Published: 13 August 2018
... and frac-pack completions. In unconventional resources, an improper choke-management strategy may trigger proppant crushing or the flowback of proppant, resulting in fracture closure and loss of production. In frac packs and high-rate water packs, an abrupt increase in the rate (or drawdown) may induce...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 32 (02): 137–147.
Paper Number: SPE-174196-PA
Published: 15 July 2016
...., infinite-acting behavior), the pressure-gradient reduction at the wellbore varies logarithmically with increasing bean-up duration. Choke-management strategies appear to have similar performance as far as no more than 70% of the drawdown is applied during the initial 20% of the overall bean-up duration...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 29 (04): 309–322.
Paper Number: SPE-165108-PA
Published: 10 September 2014
...M.. Marquez; W.. Williams; M.. Knobles; P.. Bedrikovetsky; Z.. You Summary Production and drawdown data from 10 subsea deepwater fractured wells have been modeled with an analytical model for unsteady-state flow with fines migration. The simulation results and the field data indicated a good match...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 28 (01): 95–108.
Paper Number: SPE-134464-PA
Published: 24 January 2013
..., and that fluid flow and rock deformation are simulated in a fully coupled way to investigate accurately the effect of drawdown. Shear failure of reservoir rock, considered as an elastoplastic medium, is the main sand-production mechanisms analyzed, and the damage of the rock around the perforations is evaluated...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 25 (04): 431–437.
Paper Number: SPE-121812-PA
Published: 13 May 2010
... to be high because of the small pore size. Cleanup of water blocks requires high drawdown unless water vaporization by the flowing gas is improved by using specific additives such as alcohols. The purpose of this work is to investigate fracture-face damage by measuring relevant petrophysical parameters...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 24 (01): 87–95.
Paper Number: SPE-107268-PA
Published: 26 February 2009
... with a coupled wellbore/reservoir simulator accounting for energy transport in the wellbore appear to be the most prudent approach. Drillstem Testing drawdown Kabir Reservoir Surveillance Engineering fluid temperature production monitoring drillstem/well testing Simulation mudline SPE Production...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 23 (02): 232–240.
Paper Number: SPE-100207-PA
Published: 19 May 2008
... of Petroleum Engineers Upstream Oil & Gas flow rate wellbore pressure drop SPE Production Directional Drilling two-phase flow single-phase case skin factor drawdown pressure drop productivity horizontal well wellbore University reservoir drawdown equation drilling operation relative...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 22 (02): 223–230.
Paper Number: SPE-98110-PA
Published: 19 May 2007
... to an increase in solids production leading to accelerated erosion. Reservoir Characterization production control production monitoring production logging sand production sand/solids control Upstream Oil & Gas Convention reservoir geomechanics sand control drawdown completion rock strength...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 19 (02): 100–104.
Paper Number: SPE-88445-PA
Published: 01 May 2004
... 1 5 2004 Copyright 2004, Society of Petroleum Engineers drawdown flow rate multipoint method production monitoring absolute difference performance relationship two-phase inflow performance relationship vogel inflow performance production control ipr method pressure drawdown...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 15 (01): 42–49.
Paper Number: SPE-60843-PA
Published: 01 February 2000
... a major safety hazard in the case of high-pressure gas wells. Therefore, sand control has attracted much research effort for more than six decades. 1 upstream oil & gas flow in porous media enhanced recovery residue compressive strength drawdown lto reservoir characterization reaction...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 11 (02): 117–121.
Paper Number: SPE-27899-PA
Published: 01 May 1996
... the necessary drawdown, fracture length, and conductivity to prevent formation failure and remove the completion damage. This method enables the engineer to optimize the fracture dimensions while obtaining the necessary decrease in near-wellbore drawdown that would cause the unpacked perforation to fail...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 9 (01): 19–28.
Paper Number: SPE-24992-PA
Published: 01 February 1994
... allows perforating of "weak" rock to be skipped, reduces risks of sand production, and allows greater wellbore drawdown through perforated intervals in more competent reservoir rock. This allows better long-term productivity and improved recovery and total project economics. In short, it was hoped...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 6 (02): 142–146.
Paper Number: SPE-20024-PA
Published: 01 May 1991
... production rate nitrogen injection monterey formation coil tbg viscosity coiled tubing operation drillstem testing drillstem/well testing jet pump artificial lift nitrogen lift hot water drawdown upstream oil & gas enhanced recovery water inj production monitoring coiled tubing...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 5 (01): 33–36.
Paper Number: SPE-16894-PA
Published: 01 February 1990
...-pressure gas well overbalanced reservoir pressure high-pressure well formation pressure increase permeability Upstream Oil & Gas flow rate productivity reservoir permeability pressure increase drawdown formation damage Completion Damage literature Completion Installation and Operations...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 4 (01): 15–24.
Paper Number: SPE-16989-PA
Published: 01 February 1989
... & gas shear failure strength flow rate drawdown in-situ stress stability perforation density pressure gradient sand problem productivity ratio envelope completion installation and operations cavity permeability tensile failure sand production production control perforation water cut...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 4 (01): 25–33.
Paper Number: SPE-16990-PA
Published: 01 February 1989
... cavity stability stability capillary pressure cavity surface production monitoring upstream oil & gas failure envelope drawdown tensile failure cylindrical cavity spherical cavity cavity production control in-situ stress strength flow in porous media reservoir characterization fluid...
Includes: Supplementary Content
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 2 (02): 95–103.
Paper Number: SPE-13273-PA
Published: 01 May 1987
... geometry, prefracture tests were conducted on Well A; this well is used in the following discussion to explain the design procedure for tip screenout stimulations. fracture design conductivity tip screenout drawdown fracture conductivity engineering procedure completion upper zone hydraulic...

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