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Keywords: fracture conductivity
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Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 38 (01): 20–34.
Paper Number: SPE-209164-PA
Published: 08 February 2023
... hydraulic fracturing fracture morphology design 3 drainage design 2 tracer bakken fracture intersection spe production calibration completion fracture fracture geometry technology conference lateral paper africa government united states government libya government fracture conductivity...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 37 (04): 748–761.
Paper Number: SPE-210591-PA
Published: 16 November 2022
... depletion. It is also found that the “V-shape” caused by the NF effect in the pressure derivative curve becomes deeper when there are more NFs, longer NFs, and higher fracture conductivity. Furthermore, the “V-shape” appears earlier, and the duration of the NF effect is longer as the number of NFs increases...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 36 (03): 484–500.
Paper Number: SPE-204471-PA
Published: 11 August 2021
... testing hydraulic fracturing logic programming fracturing fluid drillstem/well testing upstream oil & gas fracture conductivity productivity well productivity boundary shale oil proppant oil shale fluid dynamics channel fracture production rate reservoir surveillance shale gas...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 35 (02): 231–244.
Paper Number: SPE-187322-PA
Published: 14 May 2020
... parameters among various other parameters, such as fracture half‐length and the fracture conductivity, and to determine the impact of their uncertainty on inversion. The inversion model used the initial analysis of the temperature gradient to identify the fracture locations with significant temperature...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 35 (01): 161–177.
Paper Number: SPE-198912-PA
Published: 17 February 2020
... published models for fractured‐well performance assume constant fracture conductivity, which cannot be achieved in acid‐fracturing operations. This work proposes a design optimization method where acid‐fracture and reservoir models are integrated. Fractureconductivity distribution along the fracture...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 35 (01): 147–160.
Paper Number: SPE-194377-PA
Published: 17 February 2020
...Xiao Jin; Ding Zhu; Alfred Daniel Hill; Darren R. McDuff Summary Creating sufficient and sustained fracture conductivity contributes directly to the success of acid-fracturing treatments. The permeability and mineralogy distributions of formation rocks play significant roles in creating...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 34 (04): 735–748.
Paper Number: SPE-189834-PA
Published: 14 November 2019
... fracture. Existing acid fracturing models estimate the fracture conductivity by assuming that the acid flows and reacts in the hydraulic fractures only. To accurately predict the performance of acid fracturing in naturally fractured carbonate reservoirs, the acid etching of natural fractures should...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 34 (03): 564–585.
Paper Number: SPE-185043-PA
Published: 15 August 2019
.... Within the flow simulation, the hydraulic fracture is represented explicitly in the computational domain by means of local‐grid refinement, and the physical process of fracture closure during shut‐in and production periods is modeled by adjusting the fracture volume and fracture conductivity dynamically...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 34 (02): 280–296.
Paper Number: SPE-184858-PA
Published: 10 September 2018
... that the shale samples were preserved because large changes in shale mechanical properties caused by sample desiccation have been observed. The fracture conductivities of unpropped fractures created in each of the shale samples were measured as a function of closure stress by using nitrogen or brine...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 33 (03): 623–636.
Paper Number: SPE-178973-PA
Published: 13 August 2018
... completion damage, resulting in impaired production and sand production and requiring excessive and costly workovers. Choke-management strategies should aim to minimize near-wellbore pressure gradients along the fracture, thus making proppant flowback and loss of fracture conductivity or connectivity...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 33 (04): 637–653.
Paper Number: SPE-184857-PA
Published: 09 January 2018
...Jesse Guerra; D.. Zhu; A. D. Hill Summary Fracture conductivity in shale formations can be greatly reduced because of water/rock interactions depending on the properties of formation rock and reservoir/fracture fluids. The mechanisms of water damage to fracture conductivity include clay swelling...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 32 (04): 392–403.
Paper Number: SPE-179143-PA
Published: 06 February 2017
... parameters on the generation of stable pillar-propped fractures by studying the parameters affecting the channeling between the two injected fluids. fracturing fluid fracture conductivity proppant pillar viscosity ratio proppant Exhibition conductivity Injection Rate hydraulic fracturing high...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 31 (04): 289–299.
Paper Number: SPE-171648-PA
Published: 17 November 2016
... of such low-permeability reservoirs is largely determined by the matrix/fracture contact area with appropriate fracture conductivity. Although it is often anticipated that the fractures are infinitely conductive, the general belief is that production increases with the proppant amount injected. This paper...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 31 (02): 147–156.
Paper Number: SPE-173346-PA
Published: 17 May 2016
...Junjing Zhang; D.. Zhu; A. D. Hill Summary Shale fracture conductivity can be reduced significantly by shale/water interactions. Factors that may influence shale fracture conductivity include shale mineralogy, proppant embedment, shale-fines migration, proppant-fines migration, brine concentration...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 32 (01): 51–63.
Paper Number: SPE-173390-PA
Published: 13 April 2016
... measurements show that, as expected, the hardness of the shale was reduced by acidizing. This means that for acidizing to work effectively, it is important not to etch the fracture surfaces uniformly. Doing so will result in a reduction in the fracture conductivity under stress. The microstructure changes...

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