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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 35 (02): 308–319.
Paper Number: SPE-195499-PA
Published: 14 May 2020
..., geomechanical stress changes, and fracture propagation in the sandstone and bounding shale. The risk of fracture growth into the caprock was assessed by conducting Latin hypercube sampling considering a set of modeling parameters each associated with an uncertainty range. This allowed us to identify the range...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 29 (02): 88–96.
Paper Number: SPE-167050-PA
Published: 25 March 2014
... reservoir properties on a regional scale, enhance understanding of the contribution to flow, and provide data points to pressure match a reservoir model. Data gathered over the aquifers within Springbok sandstone and Gubbermunda sandstone enable estimates of any CSG-production effects on groundwater. Fig...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 28 (01): 26–35.
Paper Number: SPE-144173-PA
Published: 01 February 2013
...-term productivity from a reservoir, it is indispensable to understand the hydraulic and mechanical interactions in rock/proppant systems. In this study, permeability measurements on sandstones with propped fractures under stress using various flow cells were performed, allowing localization...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 25 (04): 498–508.
Paper Number: SPE-131776-PA
Published: 21 October 2010
... stimulation sandstone Reservoir Characterization natural fracture monitor well interpretation november 2010 microseismic envelope hydraulic fracture interaction SPE Production fracture Warpinski height growth Microseismic monitoring has proved to be a valuable technology for developing...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 24 (02): 277–292.
Paper Number: SPE-110067-PA
Published: 30 April 2009
...Jason Baihly; Dee Grant; Li Fan; Suhas Bodwadkar Summary In general, successful applications of horizontal wells have been limited to high-permeability reservoirs and unconventional formations such as coal, chalk, and shale. Conversely, few tight-gas-sandstone reservoirs that require stimulation...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 23 (01): 39–48.
Paper Number: SPE-102672-PA
Published: 20 February 2008
... sections before and after acidization revealed near-complete (greater than 80%) dissolution of carbonate and an extensive "cleaning" of clays and fines from the pore space. We used a fine-scale simulator of sandstone acidizing to match the responses observed in these experiments. The model corroborates...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 21 (03): 349–356.
Paper Number: SPE-92715-PA
Published: 19 August 2006
... at demonstrating and quantifying the water-cut effect on perforation failure and sand production. The laboratory perforation-collapse tests were conducted on weak sandstones obtained from downhole and outcrop. The tests were performed under simulated in-situ effective stresses and drawdown conditions. Water...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 20 (03): 250–256.
Paper Number: SPE-89413-PA
Published: 14 August 2005
... or no effect on the flow of subsequent hydrocarbon production. Furthermore, in rock containing significant proportions of sandstone-type lithology, the water permeability of the treated zone is decreased permanently, resulting in post-treatment reduced water production from the treated zone. A general...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 15 (04): 279–287.
Paper Number: SPE-66564-PA
Published: 01 November 2000
... and was adequately described by a first order in HF concentration. In addition, a mass transfer equation for reactive fluids flowing through porous sandstone media is proposed. These findings were made possible by recently applied experimental techniques including 19 F nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 15 (01): 33–41.
Paper Number: SPE-60846-PA
Published: 01 February 2000
...M. A. Quinn; L. W. Lake; R. S. Schechter Summary This work reports on the application of a complex kinetic geochemical model to explore key issues in sandstone acidizing. 1 The issues include the importance of the minerals initially present, the consequences of mineral precipitation, and the effect...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 14 (02): 144–149.
Paper Number: SPE-56278-PA
Published: 01 May 1999
.... The correlation between the base gel viscosities and model 50 crosslinked viscosities was excellent. Similar results were obtained for borate and high-pH Zr-crosslinked fluids. viscosity sandstone enzyme breaker degradation reaction fracturing materials gel stabilizer hydraulic fracturing proppant...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 14 (02): 150–158.
Paper Number: SPE-56279-PA
Published: 01 May 1999
... on knowledge of formation mineralogy and temperature. The requirement for and the function of the many acid additives are discussed. General information and guidelines for matrix stimulation of carbonates and sandstones are provided. 5 10 1997 27 4 1998 12 8 1998 1 5 1999 1 5 1999...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 13 (04): 272–278.
Paper Number: SPE-52397-PA
Published: 01 November 1998
...R. D. Gdanski; C. E. Shuchart Summary With the intent of encouraging and helping the reader to design a radial model tailored to a particular use, this paper discusses and describes radial models that have proved useful in exploring and simplifying the application of the kinetics of sandstone...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 11 (02): 122–128.
Paper Number: SPE-28561-PA
Published: 01 May 1996
... acoustic energy closure attenuation hydraulic fracturing efficiency wellbore propagation experiment transducer sandstone fracture tip simulation coefficient fracture spe production block expansion fracture propagation drillstem/well testing snv03 drillstem testing spe production...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 10 (01): 13–19.
Paper Number: SPE-24780-PA
Published: 01 February 1995
...S. David Sevougian; Larry W. Lake; Robert S. Schechter Summary This paper reports on the first modeling of sandstone matrix acidization using a comprehensive geochemical simulator based on the partial local equilibrium assumption. This new model allows any combination of kinetic and equilibrium...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 9 (02): 115–120.
Paper Number: SPE-21720-PA
Published: 01 May 1994
...A. D. Hill; Kamy Sepehrnoori; P. Y. Wu Summary HCl usually precedes an HF/HCl mixture in the sandstone acidizing process to reduce HF consumption by carbonates and to avoid the precipitation of HF reaction products. Assuming equilibrium reactions between injected HCl and calcium carbonate...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 8 (03): 150–158.
Paper Number: SPE-22876-PA
Published: 01 August 1993
... through a hydraulic fracture initiated from one of the MWX stimulation tests. 39 , 40 sandstone natural fracture spe production upstream oil & gas assessment hydraulic fracture reservoir bedding plane warpinski injection fracture residue net pressure complexity experiment...
Journal Articles
SPE Prod & Oper 8 (02): 138–144.
Paper Number: SPE-23802-PA
Published: 01 May 1993
...E. P. da Motta; Benjamin Plavnik; R. S. Schecter; A. D. Hill Summary Mud-acid treatments normally are designed by approximating the complex mineralogy of a sandstone with a "lumping" procedure. Minerals are classified as either fast- or slow-reacting and the rates of their reaction with HF...

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