This paper builds on past work described in three papers presented on PG&E’s in-house developed Batch Analysis Tool (BAT) presented at the 2016 PSIG Conference in Vancover, British Columbia.1 This work will discuss BAT parametric study advancements since 2016, including the use of Python programming language for very large parametric studies using DNV’s Synergi Gas Solver software. Seven separate parametric studies on gas distribution networks are described including the proactive parametric study approach, system intelligence gained, and practical gas business benefits provided. The paper will discuss storing large amounts of parametric study hydraulic data in database form that can be accessed quickly for various requests from gas engineering departments and to avoid additional analyses. We will also discuss the potential of parametric studies to analyze retirements of portions of gas distribution systems as California works to reduce gas carbon emissions by electrifying buildings.2
A planning engineer’s role is to perform hydraulic analysis of pipeline networks. Hydraulic analysis rarely only requires 1 or 2 simulation runs to meet the objectives of a study. Instead, a range of runs or scenarios must be performed to provide a sufficiently thorough study. Because of this, planning engineers run many simulations over the course of a day, month, year, or career. Given the large number of runs performed, significant benefits can be gained by making the task of performing simulation runs more time efficient. This can not only result in labor savings but also allows for more runs to be performed, increasing the thoroughness and accuracy of the study, thereby increasing system intelligence.