The multi-component seismic data comprehensively captures the vector vibration information of seismic P-wave and S-wave. These data are instrumental in enhancing the seismic imaging of “gas cloud areas” and complex geological formations. Additionally, they are pivotal in lithology differentiation, characterization of hydrocarbon reservoirs, identification of directional fracture systems, and analysis of stress distribution characteristics. In the multi-component data processing workflow, the reconstruction of S-wave velocity stands as one of the crucial procedures.

We expanded the Eikonal-equation-based adjoint state characteristic reflection traveltime tomography (ASCRT) method from reconstructing acoustic velocities to elastic velocities. Vp and Vs are hierarchical inverted utilizing PPand PS-wave traveltimes. In the subsequent sections, we introduce the methodology and provide two examples to demonstrate the efficacy of the elastic ASCRT method. Finally, we summarize the findings of this approach.

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