Matrix and fracture porosity characterization is key to the optimal development of a carbonate hydrocarbon field. While amplitude-variation-with-offset (AVO) seismic inversion techniques have been used for some time for the estimation of porosity from seismic data acquired over conventional clastic reservoirs, carbonate reservoirs are commonly expected to be less sensitive to AVO inversion parameters due to a stiffer rock frame, lower matrix porosity as well as effects in the seismic created by the large elastic contrast between clastic and carbonate strata. Gisolf et al. (2017) presented a wave-equation-based AVO inversion (WEB-AVO) that solves for the full elastic wave equation; the total wavefield in the object domain, as well as for the underlying elastic properties: the compressibility (1/bulk modulus) and the shear compliance (1/shear modulus). This inversion is expected to resolve the input seismic in a more physical sense as it considers the full seismic wave field (including primaries, multiples, mode conversion and transmission), as well as producing attribute outputs commonly more sensitive to reservoir parameters. The purpose of our study was to successfully obtain a meaningful seismic porosity 3D volume, to understand the distribution of fracture and matrix porosity, by applying WEB-AVO on an onshore carbonate, Cretaceous reservoir.

Presentation Date: Monday, October 12, 2020

Session Start Time: 1:50 PM

Presentation Time: 2:40 PM

Location: 361A

Presentation Type: Oral

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