A conceptually new electric geosteering tool with superior look-ahead capability is proposed. The tool uses conventional electric dipole transmitters but measures the magnetic field unlike any conventional electric resistivity tool that measures the electric field. The detection sensitivity is defined for each type of electromagnetic field measurement. Examination of both electric and magnetic field responses to a distant resistivity anomaly from electric dipole transmitters showed that the magnetic field responses are significantly more sensitive to the anomaly. With a transverse electric dipole transmitter, the orthogonal and transverse magnetic field measurement is sensitive to detect a resistivity anomaly far ahead of the tool. While the coplanar electric field measurements with conventional electric resistivity tools are known to be sensitive to the resistivity anomaly around the tool, the axial magnetic field measurement using the transverse electric dipole transmitter and the transverse magnetic field measurement using axial electric dipole transmitter are much more sensitive to the anomaly around the tool than any electric field measurements. This deep looking capability is achieved with relatively short source-receiver spacing.
Presentation Date: Monday, October 12, 2020
Session Start Time: 1:50 PM
Presentation Time: 1:50 PM
Location: Poster Station 2
Presentation Type: Poster