Direct envelope inversion (DEI) can be used to retrieve the low wave-number components of large-scale and strongcontrast velocity perturbations. However, envelope signals lose wave-field instantaneous phase (IP) information, which may result in the possibility of multiple solutions of envelope inversion. To solve this problem, IP encoded envelope data are constructed, which not only contain abundant low-frequency components but also has instantaneous phase information. In addition, the IP encoded envelope is transformed into the time-frequency domain to adjust the weights of phase and amplitude information aiming to boost the weak signals reflected from deep structures. Numerical results show that the IP encoded direct envelope inversion using phase and amplitude in the time-frequency domain (IP encoded PADEI) is good for recovering the large-scale and strongcontrast velocity perturbations, and subsequently can obtain high-resolution inversion results of salt-bottom and subsalt structures.
Presentation Date: Monday, October 12, 2020
Session Start Time: 1:50 PM
Presentation Time: 3:05 PM
Location: Poster Station 3
Presentation Type: Poster