The presence of internal multiple reflections reduces the accuracy and quality of the results obtained in many stages of seismic processing, e.g., velocity analysis, stacking and time/depth migration. A novel scheme called Marchenko multiple elimination (MME) has recently shown impressive results in removing internal multiple reflections, which just requires the reflection response at the Earth’s surface as input data. Because this method is data-driven it is possible to apply this in early seismic processing workflows, e.g., calculating NMO velocity fields by semblance picking. In this work the MME algorithm was applied to demonstrate that internal multiple reflections have influence in the velocity analysis at early processing stages. Therefore, MME is shown as a new tool in the conventional pre-processing workflows of seismic data.
Presentation Date: Monday, October 12, 2020
Session Start Time: 1:50 PM
Presentation Time: 3:05 PM
Location: Poster Station 13
Presentation Type: Poster