Myanmar is surrounded by complex seismotectonic elements and threatened by a high seismic risk. The Central yanmar Basin (CMB) hosts the largest and fastest growing cities of Myanmar. The CMB is bounded by the Indo- Myanmar subduction zone to the west and the Sagaing fault to the east and is a seismically active tectonic block that has experienced large earthquakes (up to magnitude 8.0). A large earthquake in this region would affect Yangon and its surrounding population of around 8 million. Sedimentary basins have a significant contribution to seismic wave propagation, amplification and duration of ground shaking. Thus, to more accurately estimate the seismic hazard, a clear understanding of the detailed basin structures is required. The goal of our study is to map crustal structures, i.e. crustal thickness, crustal blocks, basin shape, size and depth, fault geometry, dipping layers and intra-crustal layers beneath the Yangon region. We will present receiver functions from a dense array of 168 nodal seismometers with the goal of revealing high-resolution seismic images of the basin. Our dense array will improve basin imaging by reducing uncertainties in receiver function interpretations. Developing a better understanding of basin structures will help our understanding of seismic amplification in the basin and thus will help to more accurately estimate the seismic hazard of this region.
Presentation Date: Monday, October 12, 2020
Session Start Time: 1:50 PM
Presentation Time: 2:40 PM
Location: 360C
Presentation Type: Oral