The study has been done to identify geothermal reservoir in the geothermal prospect area Villamasin, District of Jayapura, East OKU Regency. The existence geothermal reservoir was analyzed based on 3D modeling of residual anomaly from the reduce to the pole process of the subsurface rock. To achieve those objectives, several stages of study are carried out. The first one is uneven surface to level surface transform, the second one is upward continuation, the third one is the separation of residual and regional anomaly, and the fourth one is reduce to the pole. Based on the result of transformation to level surface using the Taylor series approach, we can obtain the magnetic field anomaly contour at the elevation level of 105 meters above the mean sea level. Furthermore, the separation of residual and regional anomalies using second order polynomial fittings and the next stage is transforming the residual magnetic field anomaly to magnetic field anomaly that is generated from the process of reduce to the pole. Than, the final stage is we create 3D residual anomaly model based on the reduce to the pole of the subsurface rock process, which is obtain the information of geothermal reservoir with the range susceptibility of 0.16 cgs (103 SI) to 0.97 cgs (103 SI). The position of the reservoir is relatively located at the NE direction to SW and NW direction to SE and it is located at the depth of 800 meters below the mean sea level.
Presentation Date: Monday, October 12, 2020
Session Start Time: 1:50 PM
Presentation Time: 3:05 PM
Location: 362C
Presentation Type: Oral