Converted wave (PS) data provides valuable information about reservoir characterization. They can provide additional information about lithology, fluid, and fracture detection. They are also useful in imaging complex reservoirs under gas clouds because S-data are less affected by attenuation than P-data. However, it is always a challenging task to build a velocity model incorporating PP- and PS-wave propagation.
Traditionally PP-PS velocity model building has been performed in step-wise approach. Starting with obtaining a robust PP velocity and anisotropy and then using this information to build a PS velocity model. Such a step-wise approach is beneficial in areas with challenging data quality and poor PS conversion. In order to reduce uncertainty and increase value of the final P and S wave models, traditional tomographic updates, reliant on RMO information can be combined with geological and borehole information.
Herein, we show a modern joint PP-PS model building workflow integrating complementary model building techniques to build a high-resolution PP and PS model. Importantly, the final anisotropic PP-PS model provides well-aligned depth images and flat gathers on both PP and PS datasets.
Presentation Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Session Start Time: 8:30 AM
Presentation Time: 8:30 AM
Location: 351D
Presentation Type: Oral