The complex and strong energy interbed multiples in land seismic data have severely affected the identification of the structures and the sedimentary phenomena in western China. The multiples are related with the high impedance reflection interfaces which caused by the sedimentary environment changes such as depositional break, parallel unconformity and coal beds. In this paper, a case of suppression for interbed mutilples caused by coal beds in Junggar basin was presented. The extended SRME method was used to predict the interbed multiple models and then the multiples were subtracted from the input data using adaptive subtraction technique. After multiples removal, the image of the stratigraphic interfaces below the coal beds is clearer and the fan delta deposition phenomena was interpreted more accurately.

Presentation Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Session Start Time: 9:20 AM

Presentation Time: 11:25 AM

Location: Poster Station 13

Presentation Type: Poster

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