A detailed seismic stratigraphy framework for the deep-water Cenozoic deposits in North Carnarvon Basin, is developed using high resolution seismic data along with machine learning techniques. The workflow allows to characterize architectural elements and relate them to a sequence stratigraphy framework for the Cenozoic sequences. We related the sea level changes to the deposition of architectural elements and their distribution along the slope and the basin floor. We interpreted and characterized five second-order sequences and the architectural elements within them. The falling stage system tract is characterized by 1) initial development of mass transport deposits due to failure of the outer shelf but deposited in the basin floor, 2) Small low sinuosity and erosive channels developed in the upper slope, and 3) sandstone fan lobes deposited on the lower slope. In contrast, the transgressive system tract exhibits isolated carbonate build ups related to a rise in the sea level. These architectural elements (1) erosive channel-fills, (2) mass transport deposits (3) lobe deposits and (4) carbonate mounds were characterized according to their position on the slope and spatial relationships within the sequence. Unsupervised machine learning techniques: Principal Component Analysis and Self-organizing Maps were incorporated in the workflow as a supportive tool in the identification of architectural elements using meaningful seismic attribute volumes as input data.

Presentation Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Session Start Time: 1:50 PM

Presentation Time: 1:50 PM

Location: 361A

Presentation Type: Oral

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