This study is part of a North West Europe (NWE) Interreg project called NWE-REGENERATIS that aims at the regeneration of past metallurgic sites and deposits through innovative circularity for raw materials. A novel geophysical methodology is developed to allow a 2D or 3D characterization of the recoverable metallic particles in terms of volume, type and grain sizes. We propose to integrate multi-method in situ geophysical data acquisition into a wider methodology that includes lab experimentations as well as joint interpretation of the data. The first results show a good potential for estimating depth of the interfaces between the anthropic deposits and the natural layers as well as geophysical contrasts linked with changes in the type and concentration of metallic particles. The next step is to test the phase 4 of the methodology, including joint interpretation and petrophysical model integration on the pilot field site.
Note: This paper was accepted into the Technical Program but was not presented at IMAGE 2021 in Denver, Colorado.