Although geological models represent a simplified vision of the earth, their obtention arises from a complex process based on a few horizons and faults during the seismic interpretation phase. A novel method to generate meshless geologic model from a grid of horizons automatically picked. This approach consists in computing relative geological time model from key selected horizons to reduce the dependency on the seismic data and its associated artefacts, related to acquisition and processing limitations. Fault surfaces are then used as stratigraphic breaks, in a global minimization of the geological time variations. Each fault block can be computed independently and therefore complex geometries can be modelled such as reverse faults. Compare to other approaches requiring a transformation into a depositional space, the geological model is directly computed in the seismic domain. This model being at the same resolution as the seismic, a stair step effect is observed at the fault location. This effect is removed by a bilinear interpolation with structural constraints, which generates a meshless watertight model, where complex geometries are such as reverse faults can be managed. It can be used for various applications such as structural maps as well as cellular grid generation for static geological modelling.

Presentation Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Session Start Time: 1:50 PM

Presentation Time: 3:55 PM

Location: 360C

Presentation Type: Oral

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