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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, October 11–16, 2020
Paper Number: SEG-2020-3422534
... toobjectively quantify the value of the single-component horizontal DAS, compared to more sparsely-spaced geophones, and using both receivers together. This methodology quantifies the accuracy of fault locations in seismic migration images when horizontal fibers, geophones and a combination of the two are used...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, September 15–20, 2019
Paper Number: SEG-2019-3215263
... velocity in fault zone, the fault location from the PSTM seismic data is not the real position. This kind of fault location error will lead to lots of problems during the oilfield development. In this paper, an update fault prediction method was introduced. Seismic attributes from pre-stack depth migration...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2018 SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, October 14–19, 2018
Paper Number: SEG-2018-2995894
..., the CNN predicts fault probabilities at every location in the image. The test results on synthetic and field data images suggest that the CNN predicts fault locations with high accuracy. With the capability of emulating human experience and evolving via training with new datasets, CNN technology shows...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2017 SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, September 24–29, 2017
Paper Number: SEG-2017-17589633
... exposition classification annual meeting sift sift feature statistical imaging vector gradient upstream oil & gas interpretation machine learning classifier prediction histogram artificial intelligence fault image hog fault location reservoir characterization keypoint seismic data...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2010 SEG Annual Meeting, October 17–22, 2010
Paper Number: SEG-2010-1357
...Estimating fault displacements in seismic images Luming Liang and Dave Hale, Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines, Marko Mauc ec, Halliburton SUMMARY Geologic faults complicate the mapping of depositional lay- ers. Most existing seismic image processing highlights fault locations...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2004 SEG Annual Meeting, October 10–15, 2004
Paper Number: SEG-2004-0433
... & gas decomposition seismic data seg int fault location information october 2004 SPICE: A new general seismic attribute Christopher Liner*, Department of Geosciences, Univ. of Tulsa; Chun-Feng Li, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Tongji Univ., China; Adam Gersztenkorn and John Smythe...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, October 26–31, 2003
Paper Number: SEG-2003-0354
... artificial intelligence contingency planning interpreter supervised neural network curvature fault location interpretation low similarity lineament similarity seismic data information fault detection enormous strain non-steered similarity positive curvature azimuthal direction upstream oil...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1991 SEG Annual Meeting, November 10–14, 1991
Paper Number: SEG-1991-0219
... ABSTRACT No preview is available for this paper. geometry interpretation exploration process reservoir characterization granite overthrust imbricate fault fault geometry fault location balanced approach fracture characterization interpreter geobyte image upstream oil...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, October 17–21, 1982
Paper Number: SEG-1982-0426
... ABSTRACT No preview is available for this paper. virtual reflector imaging variation fault location frequency channel wave seam mason transmission procedure upstream oil & gas thickness reflector location phase velocity propagation coal seam reflector intercept...

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