Assessing risks during carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration involves a systematic process to identify them (risk assessment), analyze, prioritize, score them (risk analysis), develop mitigation strategies, and plan for measurement, monitoring, and verification (MMV) activities. In this context, risk assessment and analysis are often conducted involving qualitative approaches and/or subjective evaluations based on experts judgments. In this paper, we propose to use numerical results of dynamic subsurface modeling to assess risks in a more precise, less subjective, and quantitative manner, enabling a comprehensive definition of effective MMV plans. In this context, MMV evolves into modeling, measurements, monitoring, and verification [(M)MMV]. The conceptual model used for this study integrates flow and geomechanical-coupled behavior to assess caprock integrity, faults reactivation, and ultimately the risk of CO2 leakage. Uncertainty analysis and a 4D probabilistic workflow are used to quantify the likelihood and consequences of CO2 leakage and to score risks.

The proposed approach offers a general framework to enable subsurface-modeling-based quantitative risk assessment (QRA) for the definition of successful (M)MMV plans. In this study, we have focused on the QRA of leakage risks through the fault and intact caprock. Other applications are possible, such as: (1) leakage risks through the caprock resulting from caprock failure; (2) lateral CO2 migration leading to permit limits violation or inducing interferences with neighboring activities; (3) leakage risks resulting from loss of well integrity; (4) risks of faults reactivation; (5) risks of surface heave; and (6) risks of induced seismicity. All these results can be used to formulate effective (M)MMV strategies for an optimized and cost-effective risk mitigation.

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