In this paper some results are presented of two studies carried out at the Ship hydromechanics Department of the Delft University of Technology: one, on the influence of an increase of stem steepness of a sailing yacht, and another, which was largely carried out by T.J.E. Tincelin as part of his master thesis at Delft University of Technology, on the effect of above waterline bow flare are presented.
To investigate the influence of bow steepness a model of the Delft Systematic Yacht Hull Series (DSYHS) has been used as a parent model of a new small subseries with two additional derivatives each with increased bow steepness. The influence on both the calm water resistance and the added resistance in head waves has been investigated.
To investigate the influence of bow flare, two models of a typical "Open 60" design have been used: one "normal" and one with almost no flare in the bowsections. These have been tested in calm water and in both head- and followingwaves to investigate the effects of this difference in bow shape on the calm water resistance, on added resistance in waves, and on the relative motions at the bow. The results are presented and some comparisons with calculations made. Also some general conclusions with respect to resistance, performance and safety are drawn.