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Keywords: optimization problem
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 24th Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium, June 10–11, 2022
Paper Number: SNAME-CSYS-2022-015
.... optimization problem stiffener evolutionary algorithm design space machine learning thickness composite material yacht composite structure design process safety factor optimisation artificial intelligence failure criterion laminate configuration zenkert & battley population size pa mass...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 24th Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium, June 10–11, 2022
Paper Number: SNAME-CSYS-2022-010
... configurations such as a T-Foil rudder. calculation appendage optimization problem hull artificial intelligence yacht windesign10 side force performance prediction vpp claughton configuration foil rudder angle boat chesapeake sailing yacht symposium lifting foil freedom formulation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium, March 15–16, 2019
Paper Number: SNAME-CSYS-2019-007
...., "Hydrodynamics in Ship Design, Volume 1", The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME), New York, NY, USA, 1957. force module actuator tack dagger board crew movement simulation turn rate maneuver procedure module rake optimum tack optimization problem artificial intelligence...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium, March 15–16, 2019
Paper Number: SNAME-CSYS-2019-011
... are competitive with commercial software such as MaxSea or Adrena. stress function evolutionary algorithm sailboat algorithm operator waypoint routing machine learning boat weather forecast tradeoff optimization problem implementation objective mutation isochrone algorithm optimization...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 22nd Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium, March 18–19, 2016
Paper Number: SNAME-CSYS-2016-001
... are presented, varying design parameters of the catamaran. upstream oil & gas resistance investigation artificial intelligence constraint wake sheet span optimization problem vorticity coefficient daggerboard solver vortex filament drag coefficient wind speed rudder wing free vortex...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 22nd Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium, March 18–19, 2016
Paper Number: SNAME-CSYS-2016-003
... was found to be affordable and comparable in the two cases, demonstrating the effectiveness of the approach optimization problem variance machine learning upstream oil & gas reservoir simulation artificial intelligence merit function sail system prediction iteration turbulence model...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 22nd Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium, March 18–19, 2016
Paper Number: SNAME-CSYS-2016-016
... the expected time needed to complete the race. risk management node optimization problem optimal strategy opponent knowledge machine learning neural network correspond computation upwind leg wind forecast probability sailing match race grid artificial intelligence tack yacht skipper...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 20th Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium, March 18–19, 2011
Paper Number: SNAME-CSYS-2011-001
... corresponding flying shapes. The computational framework presented also contains an optimization package based on derivative free evolutionary strategies to address complex, nonlinear optimization problems. It will be used on few examples of sail design questions to illustrate how it may contribute to put some...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 17th Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium, March 4–5, 2005
Paper Number: SNAME-CSYS-2005-006
... and Eliasson (2000), "Principles of Yacht Design," Adlard Nautical, London 2000. 90 artificial intelligence gulet hull form resistance coefficient optimization problem dimension hull stability objective displacement resistance gulet gulet range principal dimension hull form froude number...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 16th Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium, March 3, 2003
Paper Number: SNAME-CSYS-2003-010
... OPTIMIZATION PROBLEM Our purpose is to consider the engineering problem of the maximization of upwind sails performances varying the sail shape. Fluid-structure interaction is not considered here; this means that the shape obtained by the optimization procedure is the shape deformed by the structural load...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 16th Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium, March 3, 2003
Paper Number: SNAME-CSYS-2003-006
... intelligence apparent wind angle wind condition exit angle true wind speed initial value arnone parametric analysis optimal value configuration optimization problem twist distribution awa 16 camber mainsail wind speed force coefficient genoa camber t ) THE 16th C H E S A P E A K E SAILING Y...

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