The Interim guidelines on the second generation intact stability criteria were approved by IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) in December 2020 (MSC.1/Circ.1627). These were followed by MSC’s approval of Explanatory Notes to the Interim guidelines in April 2022. Under development internationally for nearly two decades, the second generation intact stability criteria are, in most respects, based on the assessment of the dynamics of stability failures. Therefore, they are unlike previous stability criteria that evaluate quantities of various common static stability parameters against established, but arbitrary, standards for compliance.
This paper provides an overview of the second generation intact stability criteria, explains how it is intended to be used, its relationship to existing international ship stability criteria, and describes a process by which practicing naval architects may use it. The paper also identifies possible shortcomings of the criteria and areas in which particular caution should be exercised in its use. Lastly, proposals for future enhancement of the criteria are summarized.