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Proceedings Papers
SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition
October 15–17, 2013
Moscow, Russia
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The Impact of Non-technical Risks on Oil and Gas Activities in Alaska's Arctic
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Hydrocarbon Potential Of The Enisei-Khatangsk Region With In The Taimyr Autonomous District (TAD) And The Extent Of Its Development
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
The Hydrocarbon Potential and Geological Exploration Works In The Arctic Shelf
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Cost Efficient Decrease Of Risks Due To Additional Geological Information
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Influence of Permafrost on Seismic Imaging in Alaska
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Experience of Application of Extended Logging Suite and Formation Testers for characterization of Jurassic Age Deposits of the Em-Egovsky Field
M E Martinov; A V Kozlov; A A Platunov; A Y Filimonov; D M Ezersky; S S Egorov; M V Charupa; A M Tsiklakov; I V Mikhalteva; P Weinheber
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Geosciences and Reservoir Integration – Key to Better Predict Behavior Of Complex Fractured And Karstified Kharyaga Field
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Transition Zone Seismic Acquisition on the Alaska North Slope, Simpson Lagoon
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Integration of a Complex Log Data Suite for the Evaluation of Pokurskaya Formation in Western Siberia
D.. Ezersky; I.. Vishnevskaya; R.. Tukhtaev; M.. Charupa; A.. Latypov; P.. Weinheber; E.. Bikeev; A.. Pasynkov; E.. Tikhomirov
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
In-Situ Real-Time Wireline Formation Testing Unlocks Early Additional Reserves In Kazakhstan: Case Study
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Innovative Seismic Acquisition Technologies in the Far North and Arctic Seas
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Successful Application of Special Log Interpretation Methodology for Estimation of Petrophysical Properties of Thin-Bedded Reservoirs of Vikulovskaya Layers of Krasnoleninskoe Oilfield
M E Martinov; A V Kozlov; F Y Leskin; A Y Filimonov; D M Ezersky; S S Egorov; V A Blinov; P.. Weinheber
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
The Borehole Gravity Meter: Development and Results
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Geospline: Mathematical Model of 3D Complex Geological Medium
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Using of Post-Critical Reflections in the Parametric Scanning of Reflections (PSR) Technique—Means of Obtaining Seismic Information in Complex Geological Conditions
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Technical Considerations for Conducting Marine Seismic, Geotechnical and Site Surveys in Arctic Regions
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Oceanic Loading Effect for Gravity Prospecting
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Safe and Clean Marine Drilling with Implementation of "Riserless Mud Recovery Technology - RMR"
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
The Principles of Selection and Optimization of Drilling Fluid for Drilling Operations in the Vankor Field in Eastern Siberia
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Hybrid Drill Bit For Horizontal Drilling In Highly Interbedded Formations Of Timano-Pechora Arctic Fields
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Engineering Protection for Permanent Offshore Platform against Ice Impact in the Arctic Shelf
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Development of Onshore Drilling Complex of XXI Century for Extended Reach Drilling in the Arctic
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Optimizing Underground Thermal Reserves By Insulating The Wellbore Monitoring And Modeling Wellbore Temperature In The Kharyaga Field’s Arctic Tundra Environment
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
"Secure Drilling" Services for Safe and Effective Drilling
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Environmentally Compatible Drilling Fluids
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Development of Solutions for Arctic Offshore Drilling
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Optimized Particles Size Distribution Lightweight Cement at Low Temperatures: Case Study from Eastern Siberia, Russia
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Improved Geomagnetic Referencing in the Arctic Environment
Benny Poedjono; Nathan Beck; Andrew Buchanan; Luca Borri; Stefan Maus; Carol A. Finn; E. William Worthington; Tim White
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
A Novel Approach to Fluid Selection to Drill Pay Zones in Eastern Siberia: An Engineered Oil-in-Water Emulsion
Andrey B. Kharitonov; Ruslan Burdukovsky; Svetlana Pogorelova; S. V. Rodin; N. A. Kostarev; A. Yu. Usenko; E. D. Khampiev
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Integrated BHA Improves ROP by 62% in ERD Operation Saving 29 Days Rig-Time, Sets Russian Lateral Length Record
Timur Kasumov; Alexey Valisevich; Vasily Zvyagin; Mirat Kozhakhmetov; Romain Griffon; Alexander Mironov; Wiley Long
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Solid Polymer Prevents Gas Migration into Cement Slurry in Subzero Conditions
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Collaborative Drilling Technical Team, Secures Project Performance
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Complex of New Solutions for Well Cementing in Deep North Conditions
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Technology of Productive Horizons Casing Perforation by Drilling of Branched Channels With Midget Diameter and Curvature Radius
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Increasing the Frost- Resisting Properties of Cement Stone in Casing and Cementing of Wells Through the Use of Magnesia Cement Material
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Improvement of Bottom-Hole Cleaning After Hydraulic Fracturing on Urengoy Oil and Gas Condensate Field
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
New Technologies Application to Solve Practical Challenges in Exploration and Development of HC in the Russian Sector Of Caspian Sea
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Improving Multistation Analysis of MWD Directional Magnetic Surveys
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Microbial Utilization Of The Oil Wastes In The Conditions Of Arctic Temperature
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Choosing Oil Spill Response Method to Protect Sensitive Coastal Areas in the Russian Arctic
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Oil Spill Response in the Arctic
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
BOP Performance Post - Macondo - How Are We Doing?
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
A Method and an Apparatus for Killing an Uncontrolled Oil-Gas Fountain at an Offshore Oil Platform Using a Telescopic Rod Assembly
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Methods and Devices for Determination of Gas-Kick Parameters and Prevention of Well Explosion
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Promising Physical-Chemical IOR Technologies for Arctic Oilfields
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Streamlines for the Target Injection Calculation in Complex Field Conditions
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Comparative Evaluation of a Heterogeneous Light Oil Reservoir Performance: Thermal IOR Simulation, Bitumen Extraction, and Associated Geomechanical Deformation
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Selection of Subsea Production Systems for the Field Development in the Arctic Environment
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Challenges of Welding in Arctic Areas
Rouslan Gens; Sébastien Leconte; Guillaume Graindor; Vincent Gaffard; Henri Godinot; Henri Romazzotti
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Arctic Offshore Pipeline Design and Installation Challenges
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Application of 3S-Technology for the Natural Gas Processing under Arctic Conditions
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Approach to Optimization of Acid Treatment in Oil Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Russkoye Heavy Oil Field: Complexity and Exploration Prospects
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Development History Case of a Major Oil-Gas-Condensate Field in a New Province
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Performance Evaluation of Gas Condensate Wells Treatment with LNG Rims and Dry Gas Displacement
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Engineering Approach to Solving Problems of Flooding of Low-Permeability Compartmentalized Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
The Impact of Thermogas Technologies on the Bazhenov Formation Studies Results
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Optimizing ESP Performance in the Kharyaga Field
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
The Features of Building the Integrated Model for Development of Two Gas-Condensate Formations of Urengoyskoe Field
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Method of Energetic Interconnected Junction of Large-Scale Inflow to SmartWells Constructed in Elaborated Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Complex Modeling and Efficiency Evaluation of Free Gas Breakthrough Isolation Efficiency with Foaming Systems in Conditions of Oil Rim Drainage at Caspian Sea Shelf
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Problems of Oil and Gas Production in the Verkhnechonskoye Oil and Gas Condensate Field Associated with Halite Depositing
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Justifying the Optimal Length of Horizontal Wells by the Results of Multiple Flow Simulation Runs
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Features of Studing Oil and Gas Fields to the Full-Scale Development in Comlete Autonomy by Analogy Tagulskoe Fields
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
A Method to Determine Optimum Well Spacing for Oil Rims Gas-Oil Zones
M. M. Khasanov; O. S. Ushmaev; D. A. Samolovov; V. V. Ovcharov; D. N. Dmitruk; T. N. Timofeeva; C. V. Andjukaev
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
The Potential to Increase Heavy Oil Production from Complicated Carbonates Applying the Intelligent Well Technology
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Experience of Using Water Cut Meters at Samotlor and Verkhnechonskoe Fields
A. G. Klimentyev; S. A. Dubovitskiy; E. A. Sharapov; S. D. Shevchenko; A. A. Zubakin; D. A. Minchenko; E. A. Otylov; A. V. Muravyev
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Non-Regular Well Placement Optimization
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Optimization of Production Capacity for Oil Field in the Russian Arctic
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
The Technology of High-Performance Artificial-Lift Operation of Oil and Gas Wells in the Complicated Conditions of the Arctic Fields
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Energy-Efficient Oil and Gas Fields Operation on The Basis of "Smart" Wells Equipped with Multiphase Flow Meters
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Wavelet-Based Transform Analysis for Non-Darcy Gas Flow Noisy Data Interpretation
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Method for C5+ Content Estimation in Produced Gas Condensate
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Seismic Challenges and Structural Solutions on the Berkut Platform
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Assessment of geomechanical concept for natural and manmade fractures in bazhenov and tyumenskoe formations using an example of study in Em-Yoga field Krasnoleninsky arch West Siberia
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
The Role of RADARSAT-2 to Support Arctic Shipping
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Forecasting of Hazardous Layers at the Exploration Wells Drilling Stage
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
New Technologies in Geosteering on Example of South Tambey Gas-Condensate Field
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Extended Reach Exploratory well Successfully Drilled on D-41 Structure of Baltic Sea Shelf (Russian Sector)
Vyacheslav Andrianov; Vasily Solovyanchik; Valery Aleshkov; Marat Akhmetov; Sergey Kostin; Konstantin Mazaev
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Application of Aluminum Alloy Tube Semis: Problems and Solutions in the Development of Exploration, Production and Transportation Business of Hydrocarbons in the Arctic
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Case Studies: E-line ‘Heavy’ Workovers in High Latitude Environments
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Computer Simulation of the Least Energy Consuming and Emergency-Free Regimes of Drilling of Hyper Deep Curvilinear Bore-Holes
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Relic Gas Hydrate and Possibility of their Existence in Permafrost within the South-Tambey Gas Field
E. M. Chuvilin; V. E. Tumskoy; G. S. Tipenko; A. V. Gavrilov; B. A. Bukhanov; E. V. Tkacheva; A.. Audibert-Hayet; E.. Cauquil
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Some Specific of Physical, Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Cooled Soils of Pechora and Kara Seas
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Coastal Dynamics Monitoring at the Barents and Kara Seas
Alexey Vergun; Alisa Baranskaya; Nataliya Belova; Anatoly Kamalov; Osip Kokin; Dmitry Kuznetsov; Nataliya Shabanova; Stanislav Ogorodov
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Climate Change on the Yamal Peninsula and Its Impact on the Exogenous Processes
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
The Integrated Assessment and Large-Scale Zoning of the North-Eastern Shelf of the Black Sea on the Geohazards
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
New Standard ISO 19901-8 (Marine Soil Investigations) and Russian Practice of Offshore Engineering-Geological Survey
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Software Development to Assess Seismic Resistance of Oil and Gas Complex Ground Facilities
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Investigations of Coastal Erosion Processes in Varandey area, Barents Sea
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Laboratory Modeling of Mass Transfer During Internal Waves Interaction with Bottom Profile in the Shelf Zone
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Cone Penetration Testing in Deepwater Barents Sea Regions: Field Operations, Data Processing and Interpretation
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Effect of Fault Tectonics on The Surface Subsidence During The Oil and Gas Production
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Study of the Temperature of Near-Surface Permafrost layers to Providing Their Stability During the Operation of Oilfields
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Influence Assessment Of Suspension Particles Of The Dispersed Near-Bottom Ground On Subsea Pipelines Stability On The Continental Shelf
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Heat Flow and Filtration of Seawater in the Coastal Zone of the Arctic Shelf
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Stability and Strength of the Subsea Pipeline Under Iceberg Load in Arctic
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Dual-Band Radar with a Radio Interferometric Channel for High-Accuracy Ice Situation Estimate
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Feature Of Gravity Current Which Propagate With Mass Transfer With Bottom Sediments
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Iceberg Monitoring Service For Offshore Oil Rig Safety By Spaceborne Radar Technologies And Drift Modeling
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
The Oil and Gas Industry’s Commitment to Responsible Arctic Operations: An Innovative Arctic Oil Spill Response Technology - Joint Industry Programme
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
New OGP Good Practice Guide: Environmental Management in Arctic Oil and Gas Operations
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Ornithological Investigations and Estimation Of Potential Threats In A Process Of Off-Shore Oil and Gas Fields Exploitation in the Barents Sea
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Environmental Aspects of Hydrocarbon Production in West Arctic Basin
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Marine And Coastal Protected Areas (MPA) As The Basis For The Monitoring Network Of Ecosystem Of Seas Of Russia
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Social Responsibility Of Russian Companies Operating On The Arctic Territories
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
An Environmentally-Friendly Method for Disposal of the ASP Flooding Produced Water
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
New Generation Biological Products On The Basis Of Porous Phosphatic Glass Carrier For Recovery Of Soils and Water Areas Polluted With Oil-Products In The Conditions Of Northern Territories
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Training Expectations for Mariners in the Arctic Offshore
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Determination of Professional Fitness of Shift Workers in Accordance with The Phase Assessment of Environmental Factors in the Far North
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Problems and perspectives of the professional education development for exploration of hydrocarbon resources in the Arctic and the High North
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Arctic Drilling Activities: Critical Review of the International Safety Standards, Technical Regulations and Regulatory Regimes
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Russian Tax and License Policy – a Hurdle for Offshore Development?
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
A Review of International Environmental and Social Guidelines for Offshore Arctic Oil and Gas Activities, Current Requirements and Future Trends
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Ecological Monitoring of Coastal and Shelf Zone: Analysis of Russian Regulatory Structure
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Carrying of Technical Devices Industrial Safety Expert Review Without Dismantling out of Process Scheme
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Application of Dual-String Production and Produced Water Re-Injection Technology into Underlying Bed: Gremikhinskoe Field Case Study
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Principles of Vend- Cambrian Reservoir Prognosis (Based on Siniavskiy and North-Danilovskoe Fields)
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Enhancement of Oil Recovery During Improved Thermal-Mining Development of Yarega Field
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Conceptual Model of DKT-1 Reservoir on Vakhitovskoe Field
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Well Flow Dynamic Modelling – the Tool to Optimize Well Operations
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Experience of Reservoirs Management of Bazhenov-Abalak Complex North-Eastern Part of the Palyanovskaya Area Krasnoleninskoye Field
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
The Innovative Approach to Use of Emulsion Drilling Fluid – Reversible Inverted Drilling Fluid
S. G. Popov; A. M. Natsepnskaya; G. V. Okromelidze; O. V. Garshina; P. A. Khvotscin; F. N. Grebneva; I. L. Nekrasova
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Analysis of Lost Circulation in Production Casing Installation Conditions at Orenburgneft OJSC Fields and Recommendations on Prevention of Such Losses
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
The Method of Treating Bottomhole Zone in Producing Wells With 2 Wellheads in the Ashalchi Natural Bitumen Field
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
Reason for Non-Simultaneous Placing in Operation of all Zones in Horizontal Well with Multi-Stage Fracturing
Paper presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2013. doi:
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