Cement packers have been used for many years to access behind-pipe reserves above existing completions in wells with multiple completion targets. The basic function of the cement packer is to create a new annular barrier between an existing production packer and surface. They are typically used when it is not possible to set the production packer above the next zone of interest.

Most cement packer operations are performed rigless to minimize cost. However, in many of these operations, coiled tubing or hydraulic workover services are used for the placement of the cement packer. Although these costs are significantly less than the cost of a rig, they still represent a major source of the total cost to perform the cement packer operation. In certain circumstances, coiled tubing and hydraulic workover services may not be possible because of space limitations, equipment availability, or cost restrictions. Elimination of these services can significantly reduce the cost and complexity of the operation, and improve the economics for the project. This paper presents a technique that can be used to perform a cement packer using only wireline (slickline and electric line) and pumping services.

A case study of several successful cement packer recompletions using this technique is also presented at the end of the paper. The technique has been proven successful in wellbores with gas lift mandrels, in cases where the circulating holes for the cement packer are above or below the zone of interest, in producers and injectors, and in deviated wellbores.

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