This case history examines the successful deployment of drill pipe featuring a third generation double-shouldered connection used on a number of North Sea offshore rigs. The performance of the new connection is compared against this of a first generation double shouldered connection previously used on these rigs. The evaluation criteria were focused on cost saving, particularly looking at tripping time saving and repair rates reduction. Significant savings in tripping time was realized due to the third generation connections double start thread design that allows for faster speed of make-up and break out. Conservative estimates suggest that the new connections saved approximately 7-1/2 hours in planned tripping time per 20,000 ft. well. The unique design of the connection also makes it more robust, leading to a dramatic reduction of repair costs when compared to the first generation double-shouldered connection. This paper will describe this third generation connection technology and highlight benefits to the drilling operation. It will then focus on the feedback from end users. A separate section will include an analysis of the trends on inspection and shall quantify the reduction of connection repaired.