Hydraulic fracturing is widely implemented in stimulation of unconventional reservoirs to unlock the hydrocarbon potential in ultra-low permeability formations. Fracture height growth is a critical parameter in unconventional reservoir to maximize the hydrocarbon productivity. The integrated vertical well interpretations from a case study of the pilot well demonstrates the effect of the vertical stress distribution which impacts fracture height growth.

Geomechanical model of a pilot hole was constructed to provide vertical variation of mechanical properties and in-situ stresses. The calibrated geomechanical model has shown that Jubaila source rock has less stiff rock and lower stress than bounding formations. The geomechanical model of the vertical pilot well has shown the overlapping between the minimum horizontal stress and vertical stress in particular, depths restricts the fracture height growth and creates longer horizontal fracture.

Pre-frac injection test was performed, analyzed, and integrated into the geomechanical model. Temperature log was performed to identify the fracture height growth and the results of the temperature log were proportional with the geomechanical model. 3D fracture simulation software was utilized to determine the hydraulic fracture properties. The created fracture simulation model was calibrated to the geomechanical model and temperature log interpretations.

Furthermore, improving hydraulic fracture design depends on understanding the key parameters and lessons learned from the stimulated vertical well and the integrated process. This will help in selecting the landing point, redesign the completion strategy, and optimize the production in the future horizontal wells.

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