To further reduce the back pressure on low-pressure gas wells and increase reserves in a mature gas field, a gas ejector project was evaluated and proposed in 2014. Following on-site tests on several gas wells during 2015 the gas ejector was successfully put into service in 2016. Reservoir simulation estimates that 6.4bcf of incremental reserves will be achieved through gas ejector installation by decreasing inlet pressure to 50 psi from 100 psi. Very low capital costs and insignificant operating costs demonstrate positive economics. Existing facilities and availability of high-pressure gas source contribute to the success of this project. The gas ejector was designed and manufactured in China at far more competitive costs that could be obtained in the international market. The application of gas ejector during the past 2 years to reduce back pressure has helped to improve the economics in a mature gas field. Figure 1 shows the location of YC13-1 field facilities.

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