This paper aims to describe an integrated data analysis and validation application for well testing. This is a computer based application set to work with the different types of wells (water injection, oil producers and gas producers). In addition, it features data capturing, validation, analysis and several techniques for data visualizations.

The conventional well testing process goes through: data capturing, loading, calculations, validation and data archiving. This process was handled by multiple isolated systems that required different workflows based on the data sources. In addition, these systems were designed to handle conventional testing methods such as High Pressure Test Trap (HPTT) separator.

With the introduction of continuous real time measurement technology, such as Multi Phase Flow Meter (MPFM), the volume of the data expands tremendously. This imposes the challenge of big data analytics while ensuring the quality and the consistency of the results. This resulted in a demand for a system to streamline, integrate, standardize and automate the process of well testing. The Integrated Well Rate Analysis System (IWRAS), was developed and deployed to overcome the encountered challenges.

This paper describes well test handling in IWRAS with an example of how the application unified the process workflow for oil producers equipped with MPFM. It will also shows the benefits of utilizing this application in handling real time data.

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