Production Enhancement (PE) opportunities in a 30 years-old Field D in Balingian province, offshore of Sarawak, Malaysia are dwindling. Behind casing opportunities (BCO) in relation to bypassed pay with good reservoir properties are either already perforated and produced or too costly and complex to be executed due to well issues. An in-house evaluation tool, Resolution Enhanced Modelling (REM), was developed by PETRONAS Petrophysics Department to evaluate and characterize thin beds or laminations. These Low-Resistivity-Low-Contrast (LRLC) sands are commonly bypassed as conventional logging tools cannot resolve their true parametric values and the apparent log responses across these zones appeared as shaly sand. By running REM across these intervals, the properties of the thin sands can be properly characterized, improving the net pay and economics of perforating and producing these reservoirs. In addition, a Rock Type (RT) based technique was used to evaluate some LRLC candidates in Field D.
REM was run on LRLC sections in idle wells to evaluate their potential. To derisk and test the methodology, Well A3 with relatively more promising results was chosen as the first well to be perforated. Moreover, both strings of Well A3 were idle which makes it operationally easier to carry out the perforation job. From the initial analysis, the LRLC intervals in Well A3 could contribute to additional reserves of 0.3 MMstb with start rate of 300 bopd.
The job required usage of barge assisted coiled tubing to pump cement and shut off existing high watercut zone and slickline to perforate through tubing. The actual job duration was prolonged from 30 days to 50 days due to monsoon season, driving the cost up to twice the planned amount. Post perforation, the initial oil rate was tested to be 500 bopd. After increasing the choke size, the well could flow at 800 bopd. Convinced by the success of Well A3, the same methodology was applied to Well C8 located at the north side of the field. Well C8 encountered operational difficulties such as lower than expected top of cement and perforation gun malfunction, resulting in only 54% of the proposed depth being perforated. Well C8 produced high gas, with initial well test rate of 10 bopd.
Managing a brownfield where the easy oil is mostly exhausted can be challenging. Therefore, the team has to be more creative in unlocking the remaining oil and prolonging the life of a well. By using REM, the overlooked potentials hidden in LRLC sands can be accurately estimated, making the economics to perforate them more attractive to pursue.