HTB underground gas storage (UGS) is a gas storage facility rebuilt from a depleted gas reservoir. It is located in Changji Xinjiang Province, in northwestern China. With designed working gas volume 45×108m3 and peak working rate 27×106m3 per day, HTB UGS is the biggest UGS constructed in China. Since commissioning in June 2013, HTB UGS has been injecting gas 113.8×108m3, and withdrawing gas 78.2×108m3 until now. In order to analyze its production performance after 7 years operations, we figured out a systematic analysis method.

First of all, we built a production database for HTB UGS, collecting daily injection-production data, tubing pressure, and kinds of testing data of the storage. Also, we built a database for all 30 injection-production wells recording their geologic information, drilling information, gas injection-production information, etc. Based on detailed data, we analyzed the operating characteristics of the HTB UGS from 6 aspects: injection-production gas volume, liquid production volume, operating pressure, reservoir connectivity laterally and vertically, sealing of the trap and well-patten spacing.

It shows that 1) gas injection and production volume of the storage increases year by year, accounting for 20% working gas volume of UGS in China. 2) Oil and water production are relatively low. The gas is becoming more and more like dry gas. 3) The operating pressure during gas injection almost reaches maximum allowable storage pressure (34 MPa); while during gas withdrawal it reaches 26 MPa, far above the minimum storage pressure (18 MPa). 4) Overall reservoir connectivity is good in the lateral direction and it is disconnected in the vertical direction between E1-2z21 and E1-2z22. 5) The storage is well-sealed and there is no gas leakage. 6) The well-patten covers 80% of the gas storage. To sum up, HTB UGS works well generally from 2013 to 2020, playing an increasingly significant role in summer and winter seasons in China. However, in order to guarantee gas withdrawal in limited time (120 days in winter time in China), well pattern infilling is still needed in layer E1-2z22.

The construction of UGS in China started in 1999. At present, 27 gas storage facilities have been built and it is planned to build another 23 to generate more than 400×108m3 working gas volume by the end of 2030. However, a systematic performance analysis method for UGS has not been applied. This paper will offer the reference for production performance analysis of UGS.

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