PETRONAS had embarked on an ambitious thru tubing ESP journey in 2016 and had installed global first truly rig less offshore Thru Tubing ESP (TTESP) in 2017. To replicate the success of the first installation, TTESP's were installed in Field – T. However, all these three TTESP's failed to produce fluids to surface. This paper provides the complete details of the troubleshooting exercise that was done to find the cause of failure in these wells.

The 3 TTESP's in Field – T were installed as per procedure and was ready to be commissioned. However, during the commissioning, it was noticed that the discharge pressure of the ESP did not build-up and the TTESP's tripped due to high temperature after 15 – 30 mins of operation. Hence none of the 3 TTESP's could be successfully commissioned. Considering the strategic importance of TTESP's in PETRONAS's artificial lift plans, detailed troubleshooting exercise was done to find the root cause of failure to produce in these three wells. This troubleshooting exercise included diesel bull heading which gave some key pump performance related data.

The three TTESP's installed in Field – T were of size 2.72" and had the potential to produce an average 1500 BLPD at 80% water cut. The TTESP deployment was fully rigless and was installed using 0.8" ESP power cable. The ESP and the cable was hung-off from the surface using a hanger – spool system. The entire system is complex, and the installation procedure needs to be proper to ensure a successful installation. The vast amount of data gathered during the commissioning and troubleshooting exercise was used for determining the failure reason and included preparation of static and dynamic well ESP model. After detailed technical investigative work, the team believes to have found the root cause of the issue which explains the data obtained during commission and troubleshooting phase. The detailed troubleshooting workflow and actual data obtained will be presented in this paper. A comprehensive list of lessons learnt will also be presented which includes very important aspects that needs to be considered during the design and installation of TTESP. The remedial plan is finalized and will be executed during next available weather window.

The key benefit of a TTESP installation is its low cost which is 20% – 30% of a rig-based ESP workover in offshore. Hence it is expected that TTESP installations will pick-up globally and it's important for any operator to fully understand the TTESP systems and the potential pain points. PETRONAS has been a pioneer in TTESP field, and this paper will provide details on the learning curve during the TTESP journey.

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