The E&P industry is recognized to have cyclical behavior in respect to the need for new professionals, strongly linked to the level of activity related to the variations in oil and gas prices. The strong ups and downs on E&P activities create problems to properly solve the crew exchange equation with Companies' needs for new employees to be aligned with the retirement of experience professionals.

This paper presents the approach that Repsol has implemented, as a Global-Latin multinational IOC, in order to solve a much debated E&P industry problem on how to attract and hire first, and after that, how to educate and train for the E&P new professionals worldwide.

The much debated IOC's recurrent problem relates in this particular case to the needs of an IOC based within a nonbearing hydrocarbon country. It is them more important for the analysis to start with an inside reflection about the key differential characteristics of the Exploration and Production as an industry, then to follow with the identification of what are the common ingredients present on reputed good professional/managers from successful IOC's, thus to define what it is needed to be a successful professional on the E&P.

In order to be attractive and to attract the right profiles of students graduating at Universities worldwide, the IOC has to be aware on the big differences from how we do see ourselves and our industry, and in perspective, how are we perceived by society, as a way to understand, recognized and remediate the present lack of attraction or interest of our industry for the best talent coming out from Universities.

The above referred concerns are critical for Repsol as translated into the specific environment for a Latin-Global multinational that followed a strong period of growth expansion by acquisitions throughout the 90's, taking the Company into the top ten E&P IOC's. To overcome that problem, a tailor made approach was the selected solution, and an in-house intensive "Master E&P" course was designed in 1998-99, as a tool to attract and educate any new young professional recently graduated to be hired for its Upstream.

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