
Shell Companies in Nigeria have engaged aggressively in searching for means of optimally draining the predominantly stacked reservoirs of the Niger Delta operating region. This quest, in 2002, led to the identification/adoption of intelligent well completion (IWC) technology as an acceptable means of connecting the multiple/stacked productive reservoirs to a single production well conduit (Single String Multiple - SSM).

This paper serves to describe how a dedicated deployment team analyzed various proven intelligent completions architectures and ultimately settled for the ‘direct hydraulic' system as the pilot trial IWC solution for SPDC's Well Victor-2, a 3-Zone intelligent well

The design comprises of interval/zonal isolation packers, Interval Control Valves (ICV), tubing and annulus Permanent Downhole Gauges (PDHG) for each zone and a low powered single well Surface Hydraulic System (SHS) with downhole data acquisition capability. The system is to be remotely monitored and operated by means of a field management supervisory application, named SmartWell Master™ (SWM), with some customization to accommodate the remote power and identified communication infrastructure constraint. The design offers easy operation and integration with the field control operational requirements and communication infrastructure.

In recognition of the regional security challenges, the SHS and associated communication components were designed to be protected by an external enclosure which should allow front access for maintenance purposes - this is in addition to the customized platform design. Within the same protective platform enclosure, a Thermoelectric Generation unit (TEG) is installed to provide the SHS with necessary electrical power.

A major configuration design challenge was that of ensuring efficient deployment of three hydraulic packers intandem noting that several deployment challenges had previously been recorded for single hydraulic packers' installations. Also, there were fears of inability to adequately confirm proper installation/sealing of a combination of external swell packers (integral with lower completion string) and internal hydraulic packers (integral with upper completion string).

This paper further outlines how cementation, dimensional accuracies, proper integration of lower and upper completions compatibility, assurance of proper platform design, surface equipment communication, definition and management of the interfaces between all vendors involved in the pilot deployment project, proper stakeholders engagement, among others were considered and treated as key success factors to the pilot installation.

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