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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 26–29, 2020
Paper Number: SPE-201417-MS
... as the potential impact of heterogeneity on well placement and spacing. geologic modeling log analysis core analysis structural geology estimates of resource in place gargaf group resource in place estimate reservoir characterization artificial intelligence reserves evaluation geological modeling...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 26–29, 2020
Paper Number: SPE-201727-MS
... coarsening that naturally avoids the issues that arise in the use of the harmonic average for the vertical transmissibility. Starting from a high-resolution fine scale 3D geologic model, sequential layer grouping provides us with a series of increasingly coarsened reservoir models. Each model in turn...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 26–29, 2020
Paper Number: SPE-201325-MS
... uncertainty. The parsimonious representation of geologic heterogeneity and the use of ML for forward modeling makes the approach highly scalable and well-suited for full field applications. geological modeling production monitoring flow in porous media machine learning enhanced recovery equation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 26–29, 2020
Paper Number: SPE-201351-MS
... by revisiting the data set. Overall, the proposed workflow demonstrates successful application in the Eagle Ford formation such that it can be directly implemented for other unconventional resource plays. energy economics reservoir geomechanics shale gas geological modeling artificial intelligence...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, September 30–October 2, 2019
Paper Number: SPE-195988-MS
... and the lateral stratigraphic continuity of reservoir properties. The deterministic approach resulted in place volume estimates of 60 MMBBL and the stochastic approach provided an estimate of 45 MMBBL. geological modeling Upstream Oil & Gas porosity meghil field machine learning well log Libya...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, September 30–October 2, 2019
Paper Number: SPE-195821-MS
... Abstract The 3D geological model is an important tool, which is used for decision-making process at each step of reservoir lifecycle. In turn the quality of the model as well as field operating efficiency is directly dependent on the geologist's expertise level and requires continuous...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, September 30–October 2, 2019
Paper Number: SPE-195861-MS
..., permeability simulation is challenging in 3D geomodeling. A hierarchical geomodeling approach is presented to bridge the gap among the ultra-high permeability log, model and DST results. The ultimate permeability model successfully matched the logging data and DST results into the geological model. Based...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, September 30–October 2, 2019
Paper Number: SPE-196138-MS
... seismic and geologic model based on complex analyses of core, well logs, well tests, seismic and electromagnetic data allowed the Gazpromneft-GEO company to drill a series of successful wells. Gazpromneft-GEO, LLC.holds three oil and gas exploration and production licenses within the Ignyalinsky...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, September 30–October 2, 2019
Paper Number: SPE-196106-MS
... the vertical axis closer to that of well data. Artificial Intelligence spectral approach simulation result application Reservoir Characterization simulation method variance well log data geological modeling Upstream Oil & Gas well data mathematical model Value distribution vertical axis...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, September 30–October 2, 2019
Paper Number: SPE-196163-MS
... simulation runs. In addition, the training of CNN is implemented using only geologic realizations without requiring additional reservoir simulation. The performance of the workflow is evaluated using tomographic inversion and model calibration in fluvial reservoirs. geological modeling neural network...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, September 30–October 2, 2019
Paper Number: SPE-196060-MS
... geological modeling Artificial Intelligence Reservoir Characterization facies key uncertainty parameter Wilcox Formation geologic modeling reservoir geomechanics productivity index repsol research center Buckskin Field orientation porosity compartmentalization machine learning...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, September 24–26, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-191480-MS
... and corrected. The methodology proposed could help improve the reliability of the result from probabilistic history matching. geological modeling Bayesian Inference machine learning reservoir simulation geologic modeling Artificial Intelligence coarse uncertainty characterization empirical formula...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, September 24–26, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-191648-MS
... of the permeability field in comparison to methods like ‘Ensemble Kalman Filter’ (EnKF) that are sub-optimal in such cases. machine learning Reservoir Characterization history matching Upstream Oil & Gas geologic modeling Artificial Intelligence Inda model parameter liquid rate spatial distribution...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, September 24–26, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-194025-MS
... Abstract The uncertainties of fluvial reservoir geologic model are notably high due to complicated geological conditions and unknown strong heterogeneity. However, previous uncertainty analysis approaches mainly focus on qualitative evaluation. In this work, we proposed a novel workflow...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, September 24–26, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-195655-STU
...; Tissot and Espitalié, 1975 ). Arrhenius Law: K = A e − E a R T ( t ) machine learning geological modeling geologic modeling Reservoir Characterization uncertainty range Upstream Oil & Gas optimization problem Simulation Thickness basin petroleum system...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, September 24–26, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-194046-STU
... gaining more control on the simulations a t the early grid cells on the random path of a MPS simulation. I will also present numerical experiments to show that this approach leads to generation of more geologically consistent facies connectivity patterns. geological modeling reservoir simulation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 9–11, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-187299-MS
... of tetrahedrons. The grid is constructed from the underlying geological model and the sealed fault network. Both structured (hexahedrons) and unstructured (tetrahedrons) parts follow stratigraphic deposition information. For geomechanical simulations, each compartment is considered as an independent mesh part...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 9–11, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-187095-MS
... of the key uncertainties and the definition of response model that predicts the range of oil in place and the optimization of the development plans, without the need to run hundreds of thousands realizations. geologic modeling Artificial Intelligence Simulation porosity Upstream Oil & Gas...

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