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Proceedings Papers
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The Value of Experience
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Fully Coupled Chemical-Thermal-Poro-Mechanical Effect on Borehole Stability
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Thermal-Poro Elastic Stress Effect on Stress Reorientation in Production and Injection Wells
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Methodology for Dimensioning of the Resources for Construction of the Oil Wells
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Case Study of Core Bit Wear and its Effect on Core Recovery and Quality during Deep-sea Drilling Expeditions
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Structural Integrity and Life Extension of Offshore Installations by Ultrasonic Peening
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Managed Pressure Drilling Enables Drilling Beyond the Conventional Limit on HP/HT Deepwater Wells in the Mediterranean Sea
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
A Practical, Application-Based Guide to Borehole Enlargement Tool Selection
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Comprehensive Energy Price Model Including Deepwater Drilling Risk
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Water Injectivity Tests on Multilayered Oil Reservoirs
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Accurate Downhole-Temperature Estimates are Critical to Proper Slurry Design-Improved Data-Collection Method Field Tested Successfully
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Water Injection Enhancement through a Novel Oil-Soluble/Water-Dispersible Combination Cleaner and Corrosion Inhibitor
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Simulation of Parameters Derived from Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Log Using Conventional Well Logs and Fuzzy Logic
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Peregrino: An Integrated Solution for Heavy Oil Production and Allocation
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Downhole Chemical Injection Through Gas Lift: Options and Consequences
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Merging Coiled Tubing and Swellable Packer Technologies
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
The Effects of Dynamic Loading on the Sand Management and Permeability of Shape Memory Polymer and Gravel Packs for Sand Management Applications
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Construction Project for the First Dendritic Well Offshore in Brazil
Zacarias Guimaraes; Luis Duque; Victor Almeida; Robledo Barros; Carlos A. Teles; Luiz Paixao; Carlos Pedroso
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Enhancing Gas-Reservoir Characterization by Integrating a Reliable Formation-Testing Permeability Method Into the Workflow
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
The Benefits and Application of Semi-Permeable Membrane Surface Gas Detection during Managed Pressure Drilling
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Effect of Reservoir Fluid Type on the Stimulation of Carbonate Cores Using Chelating Agents
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Two-Stage Cementation of A Multilateral Junction, After Floating In The Casing
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Use of Zeta Potential to Maximize Sand Free Rate: A New Approach on Sand Control
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Mitigate Drilling Risks in Highly Depleted Reservoir Fields by Intelligently Planning Well Trajectory for a CO2 Sequestration Project
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Ultrasonic Peening, a Solution for Fatigue Cracking on Offshore Installations
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Fracture-Width Estimation for an Arbitrary Pressure Distribution in Porous Media
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Sensitivity Analysis for Dual Porosity and Dual Permeability Systems to Small and Large Scale Heterogeneities in a Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoir
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Upscaling Technique Applied to Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Using a Friction Pressure Reducer To Extend the Operational Pumping Window in Horizontal Open Hole Gravel Packing
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Application of the Ultrasonic Technique for Monitoring and Measuring the Phase Fractions of Liquid-Gas-Solid Mixtures
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Real-Time Wellbore Friction Analysis to Detect Onset of Drillstring Sticking during Extended Reach Well Drilling: Case Study
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Ni-Fe Nanoparticle: An Innovative Approach for Recovery of Hydrates
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Retention of CO2-Foaming Agent in CO2-Foam Flooding of Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoirs
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Extended Draft Semisubmersible
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
In-Situ Mechanical and Functional Behavior of Shape Memory Polymer for Sand Management Applications
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Game-Changing Technology Developments for Improving Operational Efficiencies in Deepwater Well Completions
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Evaluation of Navigation Quality of Non-Survey Logging or MWD Tools and Methods of Navigation Sensor Correction and Reconstruction
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
A Step Change in Circulating Technology: Increased Efficiency and Cost Reduction Through Simplifying Circulating Sub Technology and Use
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Unique Axial Oscillation Tool Enhances Performance of Directional Tools in Extended Reach Applications
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Novel Drilling Technology Delivers a Step Change in Challenging Deepwater Operations
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Analysis and Performance Measurement of Axial Vortex Separator (SVA) for Liquids/Gas Mixture
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Riser Less Well Intervention for Subsea Work Over
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
A New Al-Based Stabilizer for High pH Applications
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Laterals Stimulation Method
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Matrix Stimulation in the Candidate Wells Indicate Unexpected Performance Improvement in a Dolomitic Carbonate Reservoir
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Novel High Speed Telemetry System with Measurements Along the String Mitigate Drilling Risk and Improve Drilling Efficiency
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Evaluation of A New Liquid Breaker for Polymer-Based In-Situ Gelled Acids
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
New Approach for Successful Sidetracking of a Cement Plug in Salt and Subsalt Wells at High Inclinations Using Rotary Steerable Tools and Reamers
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
CO2 Injection Efficiency, Synthesis of Conceptual Chalk Model: Incremental Oil Recovery and CO2 Storage Potential
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Benefits of Life Cycle Dynamic Simulation for FPSO Projects & Offshore Developments
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Torque and Drag Software Model Comparison: Impact on Application and Calibration of Field Data
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Applications and Laboratory Studies of a New Class of Silica Polymerization Inhibitors of Bio-renewable Origin
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
On the Right Road to High Efficiency and High Speed Recovery: The Experience of Development the Biggest Reservoir in Huizhou Field in South China Sea
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Hole Cleaning Optimization in Horizontal Wells, a New Method to Compensate Negative Hole Inclination Effects
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Hybrid Drill Bit Improves Drilling Performance in Heterogeneous Formations in Brazil
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Analyzing Dynamic Reservoir Behavior and Connectivity by Means of Formation Pressure While Drilling Technology
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Reversible Platform
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Innovative Combination of Dynamic Underbalanced Perforating with Emulsified Acid and Non-Damaging Viscoelastic Surfactant-Based Fluids Boost Productivity in Low-Permeability Naturally-Fractured Carbonates
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Modified Mathematical Model for Fines Migration in Oilfields
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Implementation of Customized Algorithms Extends Downhole Flowmeter Applications in Two-Phase Oil-Gas Flow: A Subsea North Sea Case Study
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Productivity Impairment Due to Fines Migration: Steady State Production Regime
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Application of Hybrid Artificial Lift to Produce Multizone with High GOR, Contrast PI and Contrast Water Cut
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Improved Characterization of Non-Linear Injectivity Formation Damage from Coreflood Pressure Measurements
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Knowledge Transfer and Introduction of a Remote Operations Model Developed over a Decade - From the North Sea to Brazil
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Production Experience in the BC-10 Parque das Conchas Development Offshore Brazil
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Successful Application of a Distance-to-Boundary Technology Under Tough Drilling and Reservoir Conditions
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Production Logging in Horizontal Wells: Different Deployment and Data Acquisition Methodologies in Open-Hole and Cased Completions
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Barriers to the Implementation of Real-Time Drilling Operations Strategy
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Latest Developments in Acoustic Subsea Control and Monitoring for the Drilling Industry
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Long Term Positioning Technology for Deepwater Drilling Applications
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Effects of Tower Motion on Packing Efficiency
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Cement Zonal Isolation to Control Salt and CO2 in Brazilian Ultra Deep Water Presalt Well of Santos Basin
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Deepwater Multiphase Liquid Sampling Using Multiple Application Reinjection System (MARS)
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Designing Completions after Predicting Wellbore Dynamic-Shock Loads During Perforating
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
A Multistage Approach to IOR/EOR Screening and Potential Evaluation
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Offshore Low-Moderate Perm Oil Plays Need Rigless Multifracture Stimulation Completion Plan
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Creating a World Class Safety Culture Where Two Cultures Collide
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Flexible Core Sample Acquisition Program for Deepwater, Offshore Brazil
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Planning and Conducting Well Tests in Deep and Ultra-Deep Water to Mitigate Potential Risks and Justify Expense for the Operator
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Large-Bore Expandable Liner Hangers Significantly Improve Operational Cost in a Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Well
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Reduction of Perforating Gunshock Loads
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Planning the Combined Revitalization of Two Carbonate Reservoirs in The Campos Basin
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
An Innovative Approach for Laboratory Evaluation of Defoamers for Oilfield Cementing Applications
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Expert System for the Optimal Design and Execution of Successful Completion Practices Using Artificial Bayesian Intelligence
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Assessment of Yet-To-Find Oil in the Brazilian Pre-Salt Region
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
Development of Heavy Oil Offshore Lake Maracaibo Field Using Slug Gas Lift: A Case History
Paper presented at the Brasil Offshore, Macaé, Brazil, June 2011. doi:
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