This paper discusses the optimization of well management strategies for production forecasting using dynamic reservoir modeling in a giant oil field that employs gas injection. Over the years of production, a significant evolution in the field knowledge has occurred, driven by the integration of additional data and information into the reservoir model. Continuous model updates have become essential, ensuring that the reservoir simulations reflect the latest field conditions. In parallel, these updates are accompanied by enhancements to the field and well management logic within the simulation. The well management logic is continuously refined based on the deepening understanding of the reservoir, with the ultimate goal of maximizing field recovery.

Depending on the field phase, well management logic evolves to address specific needs. In the pre-development stage, the logic primarily guided rate balancing based on well potential. As production commenced, surveillance data provided more detailed information, triggering adjustments in the management logic. The challenges encountered during production were integrated into the 3D dynamic model to improve forecasting accuracy. Furthermore, this information led to updates in the well and field management logic, ensuring more informed guidance for production and operational strategies, ultimately aimed at maximizing recovery. This paper shares the lessons learned and implementation of well management strategies throughout the eight years of production, offering valuable insights for optimizing recovery in similar large-scale, gas-injected oil fields.

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