Conventional approaches to bottom hole pressure (BHP) calculations often suffer from inaccuracy due to a significant number of uncertainties of the fluid and tubular properties in real field operations, leading to a non-optimized decision-making process during critical operations. This paper introduces a novel methodology for calibrating friction data to enhance the precision of BHP calculations specifically tailored for hydraulic fracturing applications.

The proposed approach integrates real-time friction data acquisition with advanced computational techniques to calibrate friction coefficients and accurately model the frictional losses incurred during fluid injection into the reservoir. By incorporating comprehensive consideration of wellbore geometry, fluid rheology, proppant characteristics, and operational parameters, the calibrated friction data significantly improves the fidelity of BHP predictions. Although the workflow was calibrated with bottom hole gauges data, most statistical data come from standard completions without extra cost. A significant difference in the approach was made after selecting a representative group based on pressure behavior at shut-in events.

Case studies illustrate the efficacy of the methodology in various hydraulic fracturing scenarios, showcasing its ability to optimize fracture designs, mitigate the risk of fracturing fluid diversion, and improve reservoir contact. Furthermore, the calibrated friction data facilitates the identification of potential wellbore integrity issues and enables proactive measures to enhance well performance and longevity. Considering the criticality of live decision-making for the expensive high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) operations in the environment with operations being held within a narrow pressure window, the approach represents significant importance to fracture placement success and overall field development. The method allowed to reduce uncertainty in decision-making by more than 60%. Implemented in over 100 hydraulic fracturing treatments across various geological formations and operational conditions; it allowed placing flawlessly to completion by avoiding early flushing due to pressure uncertainties. Statistical analysis of the case studies from a diverse set of hydraulic fracturing scenarios, covering different reservoir types, depths, and fluid compositions revealed a mean absolute error reduction of 20% and a significant correlation coefficient improvement.

The integration of friction data calibration into BHP calculations during hydraulic fracturing operations represents a significant advancement in reservoir engineering practices, enabling operators to make informed decisions, maximize production efficiency, and optimize asset performance. This paper contributes to the ongoing efforts to enhance the reliability and effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing operations in unlocking tight hydrocarbon resources in high-stress geological environments. An innovative approach based on water-hummer criteria was shown vital and reliable to optimize decision-making.

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