
GUPCO (Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company) is the pioneer in Egypt and Middle East in applying conventional waterflooding projects fas a secondary recovery method, Starting from Morgan field, Ramadan, October and July field by injecting into different reservoirs such as Lower Rudies, Upper Rudies and Cretaceous. These successful examples have been done and still running to recover greater amount of oil utilizing more advanced techniques like BrightWater and LoSal.

The Heavy oil block in July field which is located in the Gulf of Suez (GoS) was discovered in Jan. 1986 by appraisal well J53. Many tests were performed to get the extension, characteristics of the reservoir and the hydrocarbons as well. It was found that the API gravity of oil is 19 degree. Using Numerical Simulation, we could define different scenarios of depletion plans to maximize the recoverable oil, and hence a decision was taken to start and implement the optimum scenario.

This paper will discuss different scenarios and the selected optimum depletion plan, and comparing between the forecast from the model versus the actual achievement addressing production performance, reservoir rock characteristics, Data gathered and surveillance plan for the reservoir since May 1996 followed by water injection using dual string completion in December 1996.

The paper is a good example as a case study for the value of using the technology of 3D modeling to maximize the recovery from challenging reservoir like heavy oil reservoirs in addition to proving that waterflooding has successfully improved the recovery of 19 API degree oil in July field.

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