Fire Flooding Assisted with Gravity Drainage Oil-recovery Technology is one of the effective replacement of Cyclic Steam Stimulation Technology, and the Temperature Control Technology is one of the key measures to guarantee the forward moving of Fire-flooding front and the normal production of wells. Based on the oil production mechanism of Fire Flooding Assisted with Gravity Drainage Process, this paper is to set up the produced-fluid temperature field model of horizontal production well as well as the temperature-control model, and to predict the bottom hole temperature with the wellhead fluid temperature reaching to the inflection point temperature, and then determine the required steam injection rate for the viscosity reduction in the early stage of Fire Flooding to maintain the normal lifting. In the process of Fire Flooding, in order to prevent the damage of the well completion string and ground equipments caused by the high temperature of bottom hole, the injection speed of the cooling water should be calculated to ensure the safety of the well bore, and so by taking the effective measures of temperature control, the Fire Flooding Test could be carried out smoothly. Now, the Temperature Control Technology is successfully applied in the Shu 1-7-5-H8 Pilot Test Well Group of Liaohe Oilfield, and the bottom-hole temperature corresponding to the well-head inflection point temperature, the tracing-heat steam injection rate at the different drainage intervals and the cold water injection rate to ensure the wellhead fluid temperature below 150°C, all of these critical parameters have been predicted effectively to guide and ensure the normal production of the well group.

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