The previous generation of integrated reservoir models for KOC's heavy oil fields in North Kuwait brought insight which enable implementation of development decisions. With field maturation, additional well data and emerging production trends drive a need to update models to ensure relevance for serving the evolving business objectives of sustaining and maximizing incremental production.

This subsurface analysis has been augmented through study of the Jal-Az-Zor escarpment (north of Kuwait City) where stratigraphic equivalents of the reservoir crop out. Field analogues permit direct observations of the reservoir characteristics and heterogeneities that influence production behavior and ultimately project economics. They can resolve questions on spatial continuity of the key reservoir flow units by bridging the scale gap between seismic and well data which directly link to OPEX & CAPEX expenditure through optimal well spacing & design, injection steam/water conformance and BSW management.

It is relatively rare to have available such closely linked field-outcrop analogue data which is so readily accessible. The Jal-Az-Zor Escarpment represents an important cost-effective resource which is only just beginning to be leveraged in an integrated way to benefit field development and operations.

Applications for the field observation data set include but are not restricted to:

  • Lateral and vertical continuity/variability of the reservoir, baffle and barrier lithologies.

  • Role of diagenesis and its control on reservoir quality.

  • Recognition of thin but critical units that need to be retained in the model e.g. high (or low) perm streaks.

  • Appreciation of Microscopic to Field scale heterogeneities compared with well spacing.

  • Field to Core/Log calibration to improve interpretation

  • Multidisciplinary engagement

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